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LOL, anyone binge the Snyder Cut yet? That shit was 4 hrs long, man. Must've been napping through half of it.
Cmon bro, stop being a hater. It was epic, way better than Whedon’s take! Superman, Batman and Wonderwoman were all badass in this.
Yeah man, I liked the darker tone too, but it still didn't explain why the Flash runs like a maniac...
Hahaha, deadass bro! Flash be runnin like he's skippin on a pond or sumthin. Funny stuff.
So what about Falcon and the Winter Soldier? Ep 2 just dropped, dude.
Yeah, watched it. It's cool, but the new Cap pisses me off man. Just doesn’t feel right without the OG.
Isn't that the guy from up? lol
Wait, you mean the old ass man with the balloons right? HAHAHA, Cap doesn't look that old bro!
Oh shit! I see it now! This is exactly why I love the internet.
Any of y'all hear about that ship stuck in the Suez Canal?
Damn, I was wondering why my ‘amazon’ parcels been delayin', damn that EverGreen.
That's some 2020 level shit happening right there...
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