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Can't believe the new season of Stranger Things is delayed again.
>Damn COVID! Ruining everything.
Well, it's not really COVID... it's more the production logistics.
Sure, logistics, Covid... just get me my monster-hunting squad on screen that's all I care about!
Anyone heard the rumor about Eleven's new powers? Apparently it's some crazy shadow control or smth.
No spoilers man! Didn't click any links or reading anything online. I want to ejoy it fresh when it cmes out.
Spoiler Alert She also controls time
Haha, that's total bull. Stop messing around, anon.
Caught the early screening at San Diego ComicCon last year. You're in for a treat guys, won't spill any more.
Ya right. And I'm the queen of England.
Guys, anyway. Can we go back to discussing the disappointment that is the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy?
That's a whole new can of worms, brother.
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