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Boys! The Snyder Cuts DMV sequence....fuckin' incredible. Right?
Sure. Painfully slow, man. It’s like watching paint dry with loud background music.
No arguments there but it at least had more depth compared to the lame effort Whedon put in.
Lmao, Whedon's just salty cause he ain't no Nolan. Maybe if he stopped simpin' for marvel, he'd have some proper creativity left.
> implying Marvel doesn't have creativity

You're on some high shit if you think DC’s been killing it in the movie department.
The Dark Knight Trilogy would like to have a word…
lol, sitting tight on three good movies while Marvel blasted through 20+ fairly good ones. I need whatever you guys are smoking.
Quality over quantity my dude. Marvel is overproducing and it’s just watered down bullshit now. Who asked for a Black Widow movie 5 years too late anyway? At least Snyder is taking his time.
 Black Widow Movie 

Spoiler Alert

Should have been released before Endgame. The stakes would have been higher. Guess it was a cash grab after all.
Honestly, both are equally disappointing. Have y'all seen the new Invincible series? That's where the real shit lies.
Finally, some fucking sense. Watching DC and Marvel fans bicker is more entertaining than their latest cash grabs.
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