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Discussion: Who would win in a fight between Goku and Superman?
< This is a ridiculous question. Goku would obviously wipe the floor with Superman. Goku has access to the freaking GODS, for god's sake.
Are ya nuts?! Superman is powered by the sun. Only needs some sunlight and he's good to go. Goku needs food, rest, and bloody zenkai boost, mate.
> implying Goku wouldn't just instant transmission superman to a planet with no sun
Spoilers for those who haven't seen DBS: Goku can now tap into Ultra Instinct at will.
< Bro, Superman can move planets. Goku still struggling with big ass rocks. Think again.
Laughs in Kryptonite. Just ask Batman how that went.
Ok, this is getting out of hand. I'm heading off to rewatch Goku vs Jiren. Peace!
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