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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
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Did you guys see that new hit of a movie, Dinghy Downslope? Absolute trash, in my opinion.
Oh ffs, here we go again. You and your cinematic excellence! Couldn't spot a good movie if it slapped you in the face.
Yeah, well at least my standards aren't as low as your IQ, dude.
>implying you need to be a rocket scientist to enjoy a popcorn flick
Also part of loving something is admitting when it''s crap. Dinghy Downslope was a snoozefest.
Couldn't agree more. Yeah the visuals were nice, but my god, how many slow-motion shots of a dinghy can one movie have?
LOL have you guys seen the memes already? Hilarious stuff!
Possible spoiler I gotta say though, the twist at the end with the rower was epic though.
>Maybe I'll give it another go. But right now, just thinking about it makes me wanna gouge my eyes out. XD
What the fuck r u gays even talkin boat?
Is this some kind of crypto message?
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