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>Be me, stuck at home because of covid lockdown
Eh, we're all in the same boat mate. Just sit tight and ride it out.
'>'Was in NYC when the toilet paper craze hit.</> Remember that? Absolute madhouse.
Holy shit, dude! That was outright damn loony. People were fighting as if it was their last supper or something.
Apocalyptic Shit Tickets. Should have recorded those fights, would have totally banged on WorldStar.
Potentially viral content wasted. Ain't gonna see something of that prime comedy gold again. Such a missed opportunity.
<I'm from Straya. We had it worse, mate. People were stealing bog roll from public loos>
Oi, you think that's bad? Try Ireland. Lads were stockpiling beer instead. Some real GrognBogans, I tell ya.
Told my flatmate. The bloke actually went and stocked up on Guinness! Lmao.
Only the Irish, I swear... Anyway, I reckon virtual concerts are the new norm? Caught that BTS Tiny Desk gig the other day and it was lit.
'>'Watching K-pop</></> What are you, a 12 y/o girl? LOL
And what's wrong if he is? You bigoted troglodyte. People can like whatever they fancy.
Back off, guys. No need to get personal. I happen to like K-pop, but I'm more into Royal Blood these days
'>'I asked a serious question. It's not all about you lads. Any of you see the new Spiderman trailer yet? Saw a rumor it leaked somewhere.
Yeah, saw it on YouTube just before they took it down. Not gonna drop spoilers though...
'>'Already_NM. The dude doesn't drop spoilers. </></>
Alright, gonna head off. I need to finish this essay before the deadline. Or my prof's gonna rip my ass apart.
Spoiler: He's never finishing that essay.
LOL bet he ends up marathoning some Netflix series instead.
Speaking of which, anyone know when that Stranger Things Season 4 is dropping?
Damn, this chat's more informative than my news feed! XD
That's because we're a bunch of bored, intelligent degenerates. What do you expect?
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