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Just watched the Snyder cut of Justice League. Dude, it's literally hours of comic nerdgasmic bliss.
aww stfu not another Snyder fanboy
oi, back off barney, let the lad enjoy his cultural moment
Dude it was goddam 4 hours long, do you not have life?
>(pic related) Do not underestimate the power of a boredass lockdown!
Here's a wild idea: go outside. Or at least, crack open a window?
WAIT. There's a four HOUR cut of that dumpster fire of a movie? Lmfao, i can't even.
Just hope they don't bring back Ben Affleck for Batman.
Affleck's Batman was sick,you twat
,said no one ever.
ffs why do all threads turn into a batshit Nolan vs Snyder debate?
<being surprised at a /TV/ derailment in 2022>
Tangent, but you know what's better than DC AND Marvel combined? The OG, god-tier, lord and savior - Lord of the Rings. Prove me wrong.
RotK won 11 Oscars back in its day, your pitiful mouse company can't touch that.
Possessed orc babies were scary AF though. Absolute nightmare fuel
Ah yes, the traditional LOTR masturbation session.
STFU, let's get back to the real culture - Ben 10 vs Green Lantern, who will win?
Time to cancel this thread, thanks. _- reported -_ 
>reporting an internet argument as if mods give a shit
You're all a bunch of tossers. Shit! My mom is calling, gotta bounce
So... nothing serious now, just nerding around about how Batman is the best, yeah?
We'll never agree, let's wrap this up before it turns into a blood feud. Also, Batfleck sucked. Bye everybody.
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