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>So, just saw the new sex education season, shit's lit
Stfu, no spoilers! Some of us have lives my dude
hah, sure you do
Fo real, though. Does that weird girl still has that absolutely colossal crush on the gay guy?
lmao, yes. It's pathetic tbh
Can we talk about something a bit more serious? Just saw that COVID cases are going up again
Fuck me. Can't this shit just end already?
Well, you know the saying... it is what it is. Just wear a mask, keep distance and hope for the best
And remember to get the magic chip I mean, the vaccine
God, you're such a skeptic
<All these tinfoil hat-wearing nutjobs should try going to a hospital just once>
ei, cool it. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions
<Yeah, until their opinions start killing people>
Oof, 'nice' talk we're having here
Anyhoo, let's get back on track. So how 'bout them Steelers, eh?
Still living in 1970, I see
you're just salty 'cuz they're finally doing better than your cowboys
Fuck off! That's just this season
And hopefully the next too
Heh, keep dreaming
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