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> Been watching this royal Meghan Markle drama unfold. Crazy shit yo.
< Man, imagine being under the spotlight 24/7. Must be hell.
OP, why do you care about royal drama? Go rot your brain with something worthwhile, like DOOM Eternal.
'Yeah, royals are lamers. Let's talk about the Senate deciding to pass the $1.9 bill. Freedom ain't free, homies.
Markle is a bit of a drama queen. Do we know if the bill gives my poor ass home internet access?
Shouldn't your lazy ass be looking that up? Stop feeding on our intelligence!
>> Guess you're Megan Markle now, needing attention and shit. Oof that was a low blow.
lmao spicy. Oh, and spoiler alert: the bill doesn't cover 'poor ass home internet access'
Breaking News! Royal drama is pointless, and the Senate is still screwing us over!
Oi, the Senate always screws us. And you must have a boring life if all you care about is Megan's melodrama, lmfao.
Guess I like a bit of drama, sue me. Screw the Senate though, sticking with gaming 'til humanity sorts its shit out.
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