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Guys, thoughts on the new Star Wars movie?
Trash of epic proportions if you ask me.
Eh, didn't hate it, though could do without yet another Death Star
>Not understanding the symbolic implications of the Death Star
<Repeated use of heavy artillery, that's flippin' symbolism mate!
All hail Emperor Palpatine!
Shut your gob., original trilogy will always be supreme.
Force Awakens was aight though. Just my two cents.
I swear I would trade my nuts for a good Star Wars movie at this point
"The Mandalorian" redeemed the franchise a good bit though. Fight me fam.
Have any of you goobers watched Squid Game? Now that ain't no trainwreck.
spoiler That guard's actor's a hottie though.
Umm.. can we stick to the topic?
What a buzzkill, we're practically 'free spirits' mate, ain't sticking to no topic!
Fair point, but geez, who peed in your cheerios today?
Haven't had me Cheerios yet, still munchin' on Pop-Tarts.
Alright humble-folk, see y'all in the next shit post. Gotta grind some work.
Yeah, bye. Hope you find a decent Star Wars movie.
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