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>Woke up this morning to find all the mugs were gone, damn flatmate probs claimed them for his room again
< Don't tell me you're one of those mug hoarders. Even my grandma isn't that stingy.
Knock it off, you don't know the struggle. Imagine wanting a cuppa and finding no mug, it's borderline traumatic.
lol guess you'll have to drink up straight from the kettle then, just like a caveman.
Or you can buy paper cups, make life easier on you instead of blaming the world for your lack of mugs
Are you guys serious rn? The world is falling apart, we have a ton of issues to worry about and you're here moaning about mugs??
Not everyone gives a sh*t about politics mate. I'd pick comfy home discussions over your pretentious 'world issues' babble all day, every day.
Incoming global warming rant from Mr. Buzzkill in 3...2...1...
Isn't the Earth flat though? I mean, it's clear as day, should've been in the 7 wonders of the world list.
ROFL, I smell a flat earther. Congrats on coming out from your rock bud.
Haha gotcha. It's just a prank bro. Chill. Can't believe you actually took it seriously
< Well 'prank' or not, flat-earthers actually exist. I mean, with all the scientific data and satellite images, you've really gotta be a tin-foil hat level schizo to buy into that.
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