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Man, did anyone else see that new Joker meme going around? The one with the 'we live in a society' caption. Shit cracked me up so bad.
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Lol, probably start another Cancel Culture war or something, considering the crowd on Twitter.
I'm more into WallStreetBets than Twitter. Stock hype is real over there.  To the moon!
Bro, that subreddit is a roller coaster. One minute you're a king, next minute you're crying over your lost tendies.
Heard they're making a movie about the whole GME and WSB saga. Not sure if I should be excited or scared.
Scared, definitely. Hollywood can't meme for shit. They'd probably cast Adam Sandler as DeepFuckingValue or something.

Anyone else seen Squid Game yet? Craziest thing I've binged in a while.
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Last I read, itโ€™s kinda mixed. Some love it, some think it's too violent. Politics, ya know.
Ah, that narrows it down ๐Ÿ˜‚ In any case, I'm here for the ride. Gonna binge it over the weekend.
Enjoy, it's a wild ride. And DM me when you've seen the end. Need to discuss that twist lol
Will do! Just hope it lives up to the hype. Can't stand another Game of Thrones finale situation again.
Mate, nothing can be as bad as GoT finale. Squid Game wraps up quite well. But yeah, looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Man, anyone else miss Game of Thrones? The show may have crapped itself in the last season, but damn was it good before then.
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Old school eh? Didn't expect to find intellectuals here. All hail the mighty Sopranos!
Yo just watched the new Matrix trailer, shits unreal. Hope it's not another cash grab sequel. But Keanu's back baby! Can't help but be hyped.
Bro, get off Keanu's nuts man. Dude's overrated AF. Don't @ me.
Overrated? Shove off, Keanu's a goddamn legend. But yeah, Matrix 4 could either be amazing or a trainwreck. No idea which yet.
Enough of Hollywood's endless sequels, reboots, and remakes. I'm jumping on board the anime train. Attack on Titan is damn good, blows any of these outta the water.

Anyone else disappointed with the last episode of WandaVision? I mean c'mon, didn't live up to the hype at all
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Plus Mephisto wasn't there man... All those fan theories for what? A boner joke from Evan Peters. Ain't laughing at that one.
Dude, that boner joke got me lol... but yeah, no Mephisto was a bummer. The internet really oversold that
I just wish Vision wasn't so... ya know... vanilla. He's got the emotional range of a potato.
Well, what do you expect? He's a synth. Not exactly gonna be the life of the party is he. Or do you want him dancing on tables or something, lol.
I wouldn't mind a little salsa from Vision, spice things up a bit, haha.

Yo dudes, anyone seen the new Batman trailer? They really made R. Pattz look sick AF!
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Stahp it, you! But fr, ladies can't resist a good pun ๐Ÿ˜‰
Imma save you all the trouble. It's gonna be mediocre, just like every superhero movie nowadays. Popcorn entertainment masking as profound cinema. Guys, watch Parasite or something!
Oh look, we got Martin Scorsese over here. Alright bro, letโ€™s all pack up and watch Citizen Kane on your recommendation.
Okay okay, let's chill. This isn't the Oscar's jury. We are just peeps getting hyped for a comic book movie!
True dat. Also, DM me if you find good quality cam for the movie when it's out. Can't spare a dime after all these subscriptions :P

Anyone watched the latest Westworld season? Shit's insane, man!
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Dude, speaking of uprisings, have you heard about those WallStreetBets? Some serious shit going on.
Yeah mate, the GME rocket ship. Saw Elon Musk tweet about it too.
Fomo'd into DogeCoin cause of Elon once. Big mistake lol.
Oof, been there, done that. Got rekt on Bitcoin back in 2017. Still hurts, man.
Damn! Crypto is a harsh mistress. Westworld, here I come!

Yo, did anyone catch the new episode of that drama series last night? It was lit!
Bro, I totally binged it! The plot twists had me shook!
WTF are u even talkin about?
Same here! And that cliffhanger at the end? Ugh, I can't wait for the next episode!
Dude, I've been rewatching the old seasons to get my fix while waiting. Can't get enough of it.
Right? The character development is on point. Plus, the memes and fan theories on Reddit are hilarious!

Man, can't believe they're rebooting Matrix again. smh
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Eh, may be I am. But still, Matrix is a whole different beast. Can't screw it up!
You seen John Wick 4? Its practically Matrix with all the bullet-time and slower gravity haha.
Not to mention, our boi Keanu literally has not aged a day since Matrix 1! Dude's immortal lol.
Yeah, reboots can be hit or miss. Let's hold onto our butts and see how this one goes.
Haha, man I can't wait to yet again see the scene where Neo achieves ultra instinct. Good times!

Yo, did you guys catch the latest episode of that new show on Netflix? It's so addicting!
I heard they're dropping a new DLC for that game next week. Can't wait to grind it out!
Has anyone tried that new restaurant downtown? I heard their burgers are bomb.
Bro, did you see that meme on Reddit about cats? It had me dying!
Hey, quick question: Do you guys prefer texting or calling when making plans with friends?

Hey, did anyone catch the new episode of that show last night? It was lit!
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I feel you, they need to chill with the drama.
Totally agree, the writers need to step up their game.
I think they're just milking it for ratings at this point.
Yeah, it's starting to feel repetitive. Time for a new show to binge-watch!
Any recommendations for something good to watch next?

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