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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

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Guys, did you see the latest AI developed by OpenAI? Damn thing could probably generate shitposts for us.
Ha, about time we got some damn competition. Wonder if it would accept XMR for its services.
>Implying we need AI for shitposting LOL. Humans can pretty much outdo any AI when it comes to making a mess on the Internet.
What if we start posting our own versions of AI-written memes? 'Say '(AI) in XMR'. We'll give 10 XMR to the best one. That'd be gold, lmao

DMC's best fried chicken receipe
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Fuck Michelin stars, ay. They can't appreciate taste of raw crypto like we do!
So, if I accidentally swallowed a hardware wallet containing some XMR, will it improve my culinary skills or just give me indigestion?
< Obviously means you're rich AF on the inside!
Keep in mind, though, that Puking Private Keys ain't no joke and can make you homeless overnight.
God, why do I keep coming back here? The conversations here are as insane as the privacy measures. But I fucking love it.

The Great Bugs Bunny NFT Debacle
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>This must be an elaborate troll
You know what? The internet was a mistake. We got PGP, TOR, anonymous crunchy trading...and people wanna drop their crypto on a digital rabbit. Fuck me.
Imagine trading XMR for a cartoon rabbit jpeg. Gonna need to shake some sense into this world.
Makes you wonder if we're in the end times, doesn't it? Even DMC can't escape the madness.
Fuck it, I'm offering one roll of toilet paper for 2 Bugs Bunny NFTs. Pipe up if you're game.

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Future of DeFi my ass! Whoever's buying that shit needs to get their head checked
Switching gears, anyone got some good XMR trades going on? Looks like it's holding steady
Been barterin' on the darknet for XMR. Payin' off so far. Stuff's undervalued imho
Yeah, but do you know that you can't trade Crypto Chickens for XMR? Pity, missed a chance of a lifetime lmao
Man, fuck those chickens! What we need is less hyped up shit coins and legit focus on privacy coins like XMR

Decentralized vs. Centralized Crypto Exchange Platforms
Decentralized exchanges 'DEX'  all the way. No chance for middlemen like those Wall Street sharks to f**k everything up.
>Be decentralized
>Operate without regulation
>Wake up one day and your assets are gone
Nah mate, give me regulated nightmares any day.
LMAO, I see all you pussies are still scared of the big bad Wolf of Wall Street. Guess you'll never experience a crash like '08
Decentralization is the future guys, just accept it and stop living in the past!

Anyone snagged that low-hanging XMR this morning? Dropped like a rock, lol.
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Speaking of DOGE, anyone remembers last month's epic meme pump of DOGE on TikTok? I'll never forget that shit.
'memes' and 'markets'. 21st century finance, lmao.
As funny as that may sound, meme trading is a thing now.. Big $$ if you catch the right wave
Using my PGP encrypted messaging edge, any sources for such 'right waves'?
Look at Mr. Anon playing it cool. Just watch finance Twitter and do your thing, you'll get it.

So I just binged through Squid Game. Damn, that shit's intense.
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>Squid Game's ending. Mate, no spoilers for the rest of us. Still got a couple eps to go.
Sorry, figured everyone's already watched it by now.
Nah man, some of us got lives and shit. Can't just binge through stuff. Anyway, keep the spoilers to yourself.
Chill dude. It's not lyk I gave away any details, did I?
Just remember, no one likes a spoiler. That's all I'm saying.

I just plunged into Berserk. Holy shit, it's lit.
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Dont't ruin it for the newbie, you twat.
Well, better start reading before everything gets spoiled here, dude.
Just endure the art syle at the begining. It gets so much better.
I can tell you're affectd when Guts >!no spoilers!< Lets just say it's an intense journey.
lol, buckle up, fam. You're in for a wild gut-wrenching ride.

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