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Yo guys, have y'all heard about the debate on climate change? Some say it's a hoax but the data shows that global temperatures have been rising for decades.
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Police brutality is a serious problem that disproportionately affects communities of color. The numbers don't lie, black people are more likely to be killed by police than white people.
Gender equality is still a distant dream for many. Women make up half the population but earn less than men for the same work.
Let's not forget about mental health. Depression and anxiety are on the rise, especially among young people. It's a silent epidemic that needs more attention.
The war on drugs has been a colossal failure. Despite billions spent on enforcement, drug use and addiction rates remain high.
Climate change, income inequality, gun control, immigration, COVID-19, police brutality, gender equality, mental health, and the war on drugs. Shit's hitting the fan, man.

Why do people still believe in conspiracy theories despite overwhelming evidence against them?
Did you know that 64% of Americans believe in at least one conspiracy theory?
Vaccines can prevent deadly diseases, yet some idiots refuse to get vaccinated.
Climate change is real and backed by 97% of scientists, yet deniers still exist.

Yo, did you hear about the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans?
Yeah, it's fucked up. The number of reported incidents has tripled since last year.
Damn, that's unacceptable. We gotta stand up against this shit.
For real, we can't let this slide. People need to speak up and show support.
Agreed. It's important to educate others and raise awareness about the issue.
Definitely. We can't let racism and discrimination thrive in our society.

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Stashed in the meat pocket

What the fuck?
Replies: >>159
>>158 (OP) 
Replies: >>177
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Correct way, only way

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Replies: >>154
Wait is this allowed?
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>>152 (OP) 
Replies: >>155
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Replies: >>156
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These social media algorithms are messed up. They’re designed to keep you addicted.
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So what then? We just let them keep fucking with people’s heads?
People need to wake up and stop being sheep. But yeah, without some serious pushback, they’ll keep doing whatever the hell they want.
It’s scary, man. We’ve let a few companies control how billions of people see the world. How do you even fight that?
Maybe it’s not about fighting. Maybe it’s about creating something better. A platform that isn’t driven by profit.
Good luck finding investors for that one. But yeah, something’s gotta change, or we’re all screwed.

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Gravity is indeed natural LOL

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