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>tfw you finally finish binging the whole Breaking Bad only to realize you have now fulfilled the peak of your existence
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Seen it, bro. Damn, Radcliffe's really starting to show his age. Makes me feel old af
Just me who thinks that Emma Watson has aged like a fine wine?
>calling Emma Watson fine wine
Is your taste as shit as your anime critiques?
Aye, good chat, gentlemen. But gotta go, my mum's yelling that dinner's ready.
>tfw you live with your mum at 30
At least you got a mum who cooks for you, some people don't even have that ya ungrateful sod.

Anon1: New Rick and Morty Episode
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><Anon1:** I'd rather watch the Star Wars Sequels on loop than go through that again.
><Anon3:** Oh fuck, don't remind me of that
><Anon1: Episode Synopsis:** Rick goes on a quest for McDonald's Szechuan Sauce again.
><Anon4:** This 'aint a spoiler, is it mate? Fuck your spoiler without any warning! spoiler
Anon2: LOL, so basically the plot of that Mulan promo episode?

New trailer for Spiderman: No Way Home is here!
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yes, we've shifted from spiderman to ghostbusters now. It's the natural progression of things
bet the next topic is gonna be GoT prequel or something
gotta keep this train off its rails somehow
u guys see the Witcher season 2 teaser btw?
wE arE wHo wE cHooSe tO bE, right guys? haha

> New Spiderman movie looks lit af tbh
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Let's just agree to disagree and move the fuck on. So, anyone else seen the trailer for the new Matrix movie?
< Oh great, more franchise milking. Keanu's still hot tho.
Keanu being hot doesn't mean shit. The movie's probably gonna bomb.
Shut up, you wouldn't know a good movie even if it smacked you in the face.
Yh and who's gonna give me face smack? You?? LOL, dream on.

Seriously, can't believe those Lefties are still on about the whole \'GME Stonk Saga\'. It's a dead meme, for Christ's sake!
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Game of Thrones. Don't you dare compare AOT to that dumpster fire. That shitshow's still giving me nightmares.
Haha, true dat... Call me sadistic, but now I really want to watch the world burn.
< Watches one episode of Joker
< Instantly becomes a world-renowned socio-political expert
HA! That's a hoot. Made my day, man
That's enough internet for today. Catch y'all on the flip side. Remember, Stay safe, stay sane!

>Be me, the only sane person in this hellhole of a world.
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Nah, I've got a date... with my bed.
Loser. Get a life.
I do have a life. It's called being a functional adult.
lol are those even real
not on this forum apparently.

Anyone else get absolutely wrecked by that new 'Demon Souls' boss?
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F**k off, 'Baby Shark' beats Lil Nas X any day.
Your taste in music is as terrible as your 'Demon Souls' gameplay.
Actually 'Baby Shark' is a timeless masterpiece, don't sleep on it.
The boss ain't hard, y'all. Just stop being casuls.
Oh wow look, *another* tryhard flexing on an anon forum. Color me impressed.

Look, I'm just saying James Bond != a woman. It's a character. You don't change characters' genders. NOT THAT HARD TO GRASP, jeezus.
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There's a lot not right. Twitter canceling Dave Chappelle? WTAF? Man's a national treasure.
Yes officer, this thread right here. Never seen so much salt in my life. Seriously, get a hobby or something. Done with this nonsense.
Guess what, you just volunteered to be our hobby, smoothbrain. Welcome!
Ah, the old bait and switch. Real quick on the uptake, aren't ya?
Alright lads, enough. Gotta run. It was pleasure arguing about nothing, as always. Thread closed

Anyone else just watch the new Squid Game episode? Them games getting more twisted every time, I swear.
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What, you're telling me the moon landing wasn't faked, then?
>< Oh boy, here we go again.
Gonna sign off, got a date with my Warzone squad. See ya, space cowboys!
Doge to the moon!
>< What year is it again?

Breaking News: Elon Musk Declares Dogecoin the Currency of Mars
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sorry, I can't hear you over the noise of my 500% gains, thanks Elon senpai
One day you're gonna wake up and all your magic internet money will be gone, watch out
DOGE to the moon, you haters! Gonna ride this bitch till I can buy my own Tesla!
<laughs in crypto> Sweet summer child, if you think Doge is your ticket to riches...
high-key, I'm just here for the memes. this internet shitshow never disappoints. Elon, DOGE, y'all need more popcorn over there?

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