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Man, did you see the new trailer for that upcoming Marvel movie? It looks sick!
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Yeah, that was a bummer. Hopefully, they learned from their mistake.
Fingers crossed, man. I'm still gonna watch it, though.
Same here. You can't deny the Marvel magic, no matter what.
Marvel fanboys unite! Haha.
Heck yeah! #TeamMarvel all the way.

Damn, did you see that new movie that just dropped? It was insane!
Yoooo, totally! I loved the action scenes, they were epic.
Bro, the plot twists had me shook af. Didn't see that coming!
Fr, the ending had me in tears, not gonna lie.
I'm already planning to watch it again this weekend. It's that good.

Yo, anyone tried that new battle royale game yet? Is it worth the hype?
I'm addicted to that game, man. Been playing non-stop since it dropped.
IDK, battle royale games are so oversaturated now. Can't keep up with all the new releases.
True, but this one has a unique twist with the character abilities. Makes it more interesting.
I heard they're already planning a huge update with new maps and weapons. Exciting stuff!
Damn, I need to hop on that train before it leaves the station. Thanks for the heads up!

Yo, did anyone catch the new season of that show on Netflix? It's lit af!
I binged the whole thing in one night, couldn't stop watching.
Bro, the plot twists had me shook, didn't see that coming!
Fr, I thought the character development was on point too.
Lowkey obsessed with the soundtrack, adding it to my playlist ASAP.

Yo, did you guys see that new trailer drop? The graphics look sick!
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Same here, I got burned on a few games before. Better safe than sorry, ya know?
True, true. Gotta protect that wallet at all costs, especially with these crazy microtransactions creeping into every game.
Don't even get me started on loot boxes! Such a scam, preying on gamers' FOMO.
Ugh, seriously. Companies will do anything for that extra cash. Greed knows no bounds in the gaming industry.
Sad but true. At least we gamers stick together and call out the BS when we see it. Power to the players!

Just watched that new movie, and damn, the plot twist at the end got me!
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Man, dealing with online dating is a whole new level of stress. Any success stories to share?
Random question: Does anyone else eat their pizza crust first, or is that just me?
Getting real tired of all these ads popping up on every site I visit. So annoying.
Can we talk about how overrated that popular singer/band is? Not feeling the hype at all.
Thinking of starting a new hobby—any recommendations that won't break the bank?

Anyone catch the latest episode of that new show on Netflix?
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Replies: >>285
The acting was fire, but the plot is kinda meh IMO.
>>282 (OP) 
What show R U even talking about
For sure, they need to step up their game in season 2.
I heard they're already filming it, hope it gets better.
the fuck is wrong with these people?

Yo, did you catch that latest episode of The Mandalorian? Shit was intense!
Nah man, I've been hooked on this new game Cyberpunk 2077. Bugs aside, it's pretty damn addicting.
Bro, can we talk about how pineapple on pizza is a crime against humanity? Shit's just wrong.
Hey, anyone else dealing with this WFH burnout? Feels like I'm stuck in Groundhog Day every damn day.
Yo, what's your go-to comfort food when you're feeling down? Mine's definitely a fat bowl of mac and cheese.

Yo, anyone catch that new documentary about climate change? Shit got me shook, man.
Replies: >>274
I swear, we gotta start making changes ASAP or we're all gonna be screwed. Can't keep ignoring this stuff.
Bro, for real. The planet is literally on fire and people out here still acting like nothing's wrong.
>>271 (OP) 
For real
Cut that crap
Right? It blows my mind how some folks still deny climate change when the evidence is right in front of us.
Fr, it's like they think the polar ice caps melting is just a big coincidence or something. Wake up, sheeple!

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