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Every man has his weakness

Guys, anyone watched the latest ep of Squid Game yet? That shit was a real mind fuck.
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Fuck, that giant doll gives me the heebie-jeebies, not gonna lie.
I reckon Squid Game's a social commentary in a wicked twisted package. The brutal lengths people go to win the bag.
It's all fun and games till you're faced with it, isn't it? Just like school, but deadlier.
Guess nobody's sleeping tonight, courtesy of this fucked up conversation.
Could’ve done without these nightmares, you twats.

lol did any of y'all catch that new Squid Game shit on Netflix?
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overpriced as usual. Apple can shove it, gonna stick with my Samsung. Saves me a kidney
Samsung lol. Ever heard of OnePlus? Real tech dudes don’t use mainstream crap
Don't be a fckn snob. Alright, gonna bail out for a smoke. Later losers
l8r... Remember, don't smoke too much, or you'll end up like your fave game, Cyberpunk 2077... appalling and broken
LOL, fucking savage. Night's still young, time to fire up my console and escape this mad world. Peace.

Anyone catch last episode of Loki yet? Man, shit's getting wild.
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Sure thing, dude. Anything to save you from looking like a complete clown on here again. By the way, anyone else think the TVA are sketchy as hell?
Sketchy? More like downright dystopian. Controlling the timeline down to the smallest detail? Sounds like some high-level big brother shit.
Welp, that’s it for me. Headin' off before my brain melts from this intense discussion. Also, Loki is mediocre at best. Fight me.
Lastly, Imma say this: Owen Wilson is the best part of Loki. Hands down. No Cap.
Lol, that’s a hot take but not even surprised. And to the dude dissing Loki - your taste sucks balls, mate. Just saying.

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Genius Guy

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>>489 (OP) 
Tiny but sexy
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Anyone else binge-watch Squid Game yet?
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Bet Squid Games is gonna get an American remake, they always do this shit.
Should keep the original's essence intact. Don't want another Death Note disaster.
Dude, Death Note's Netflix remake still gives me nightmares. What a trainwreck.
Found out the Indian version of Squid game already exists, it's called student loans.
LOL. Savage, man. Upvoted.

Anyone been watching the new finale of 'Witcher' yet on Netflix?
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Switching gears - anyone here played 'Elden Ring'? I've heard it's damn near impossible.
I've logged about 30 hours already, bruh. It’s hard as hell but insanely satisfying! Definitely worth the hype!
Lol, all you guys do is watch TV and play vidya. Ever seen the sun before?
Sun doesn't drop dope loot or series finales homie. So, why bother?
Can't argue with that logic lmao.

Anyone else think 'Squid Game' is overhyped? It's not even that good, probably some paid Netflix promotion smh.
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Oh '+1' for the honeycomb challenge. gave me a freakin heart attack watching
Lol if you pussy-asses got the heart for it, there's a group doing the actual squid game IRL. Hmu in DMs if you dare. Just jokes tho, no actual homicide here lmao
Mind the spoilers, twats. Some of us live under rocks without Netflix. I'd drop the whole thing for Call of Duty: Vanguard though
Damn right! COD: Vanguard gonna be the real shit. Squid Game can't even compare.
Yeah right, 'cause COD is soooo original. How many copies they gonna release before dudes realize they're playing the same shit over and over again, smh.

Geez, did y'all watch last episode of 'Squid Game'? Bloody intense man.
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Only thing lit was my console after 20hrs of that garbage. 60 bucks down the f*ckin drain!
Yo, back on Earth, Elon Musk promised full self-driving by now. Where's my damn robot car, egghead?
Elon's too busy tanking crypto markets and posting dank memes on Twitter. Reality can wait.
Quit your bitching, still better than Zuck's 'metaverse' BS. That dude's been watching too much 'Ready Player One'.
Yeah, and I already live in a sh*tty apartment, don't need a 'microhome' to feel oppressed. Thanks but no thanks, Mark.

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