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That's how baby tomatoes are made.

What's up with this year's Grammy line-up? Lotta big names skipped out.
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Heard she's busy, um... canceling her own fans on twitter or something.
I swear, those Twitter wars are more entertaining than the award shows themselves, haha
<Gonna be a snoozefest without these Fueds>
>Music purist detected.
Alright, cool it, you keyboard warriors. It's just music, for God's sake.

4chan's chat on new Rick and Morty
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Nope, find an ethial way to watch it mate
<Quit whining and go catch it allready >
Rick and Morty, more like Pandering and Boring
Oof, that's a hot take right there
Wubba lubba dub dub!

Anyone watch the new Star Wars yet?
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Nostalgia glasses on point there, mate.
Not nostalgia, the old ones had story, charisma. The new ones feel like cash grabs.
Doesn't change the fact that you're old, boomer.
Fuck off, kiddo. Some of us appreciate art over CGI.
Totally in agreement with this, new ones = oversaturated with effects and lack depth.

Ya'll caught up with the latest One Piece episode?
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Texas passed a new law banning abortion after about 6 weeks of pregnancy. Even worse is that anyone can sue anyone for aiding and abetting an abortion.
Wow. That's...I have no words.
Classic US politics. One step forward, two steps back.
<So this is the much touted 'freedom' eh?>
'Murica, amirite?

Politics, eh? I swear these days it's just a circus.
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Yeah the world\'s complex, innit?
Hah, politics. It's like explaining quantum physics to a toddler.
>LMAO, that's some analogy!
Election coming, bet it's gonna be a shitshow
'Yea, like every other year?'

Dude, the new Spiderman: No Way Home was the tits!
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<Spiderman died , the end.>
Nice try, but I ain't falling for that shit.
Gotta admit, the movie was amazing. Can't wait for more of Tom's Spiderman!
Whoa, watch it! Remember, With great power comes great responsibility.
On an unrelated note, anyone hear the new T-Swift album yet?

>be me, just now, surfing the interwebzones
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Better learn the hard way. And by the way, Garfield Spidey was actually good. Fuck off, haters.
Unexpected Garfield defense squad in 3..2..1..
OI! Saying something nice about Garfield on the internet?? Risky business.
[insert sarcastic clapping gif here]
How the fuck we ended up in spiderverse territory from a random trailer talk? Luv it.

>be me, stuck in quarantine
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Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. You'll never know, will ya?
Switching topics here. Anybody here about the Gamestonk thing?
Yeah, those redditors sticking it to the Wall Street suits. Absolute madlads.
If only anime could give you investment tips, you'd all be billionaires by now.
Implying anime isn't already the best investment of my time. Kek.

> NFTs: Modern Art or Scam? lmao, pretty sure half the 'art' I draw is better than the ones sold for thousands
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Wait, did ya'll hear about Netflix's new Witcher Anime? Always thought a Witcher anime would be lit!
>off-topic but, Yeh, heard it was dope. Geralt slaying monster while screaming in Japanese, count me in!
< ye bastards better not spoil it for me. I'm only on episode 2 as of yet.
Anyway, seems like we all agree NFTs are glorified JPGs worth mom's pension. End of discussion.
Bloody hell! You denninhams have no idea about investments, do you?  

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