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Replies: >>99
>>98 (OP) 
U wot m8

Dude, this whole AI thing is getting out of hand. Have you seen how many jobs are being automated? They’re saying like 20 million jobs could be gone by 2030. What the fuck are people supposed to do?
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The problem is, it’s not just about what’s happening now, but where this is all leading. If AI keeps advancing unchecked, what’s to stop it from eventually making decisions for us, without our input? It’s like we’re building our own overlords.
Exactly. And when it comes down to it, who’s responsible when AI fucks up? Companies will just shrug and say, “Oops, our bad,” while real people’s lives are destroyed. The lack of accountability is insane.
The scary part is, we’re kinda just letting it happen. Governments are too slow or too corrupt to regulate this shit properly, and by the time they do, it might be too late. We’re gonna be living in a world we don’t even recognize.
 I don’t know, man. Part of me thinks we need to push back hard against this AI takeover before it’s too late, but another part wonders if it’s already out of our hands. We might just be along for the ride now.
Yeah, it’s like we’re all passengers on a train headed straight off a cliff, and no one’s got the balls to pull the emergency brake.

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Keanu Reaves signed a one day contract today with the Windsor Spitfires hockey club. He will be signing items that will be auctioned off with 100% of the proceeds going to the Canadian Mental Health Association

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Bella Thorne from her FB story

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Millie Bobby Brown

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When a pat on the shoulder from friends isn't enough to calm you down...

Bruh, did you see the gas prices lately? Shit’s getting out of control, man. I’m paying almost 5 bucks a gallon now. Wtf is this?
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It’s all a fucking joke. We’re living in a dystopian nightmare, and the politicians are just lining their pockets while we drown. I’m about ready to go full doomsday prepper mode
Man, I’ve already started. Got a stash of canned food, some water filters, and a generator. When the grid goes down, I’ll be the only one with a cold beer
Lmao, at least you’ll be ready. But seriously, this whole situation is fucked. We’re one bad day away from total collapse, and I don’t think anyone realizes it
They don’t care. As long as they’re making money, they’ll let the rest of us rot. We’re just numbers on a spreadsheet to these assholes
True that. Well, guess I’ll just keep shitposting and meme-ing my way through the end of the world. Not much else we can do at this point

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