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Did y'all catch that latest Godzilla vs Kong? Man, that was some crazy shit.
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As long as they keep showing the monsters smashing each other, I'm all in.
Exactly bro, just give me moremonster fights, baby.
Wait, you guys actually paid to see that shitfest?
^ Lol, look at this guy, too good for popcorn flicks.
Yeah, sorry for not enjoying brain-dead monster fights.

Just caught up on the latest GoT episode, shit's going down man!
I know right? My jaw dropped when that thing happened with Jon Snow.
Dude, spoilers. Some of us haven't watched it yet!
Oh yea? Maybe you should go watch it instead of wasting time here, lol
Savage! Aite, I'm off. Don't ruin the rest for me.
No promises! ;)

So, who else is watching the Olympics? Can't freaking believe the US lost in basketball. Thought they were unbeatable.
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Ouch, your cricket hate is showing.
Forget about cricket, let's talk about the real spectacle here: skateboarding. How cool is it to see that in the Olympics??
'...the real spectacle...' LOL. That's something I'd never though I'd hear. Skateboarding… at the Olympics.
I though it was gjonna be a joke, but it's actually really fun to watch. Also, hats off to the 13-year-old winner. Crazy skills.
I swear, Olympics is becoming Anime. Showing off skills and fighting the competition, all in their youthful glory.

Did anyone catch the latest episode of 'Good Place'? Holy forking shirtballs, man.
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You losers still watching network TV? Get with the times.
Hey, sometimes it's nice to just chill without worrying about the next big narrative twist, y'know?
<thinks its cool to be uncultured>
lol u got roasted.
Popcorn? Anyone?

Did ya hear bout the new Spiderman movie? Whole lot of multiverse stuff goin' on.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is the multiverse of madness. 3 Spidey versions, man! It's like a comic fan's wet dream.
'Bro', u think that's mad? 'Member when there were rumours bout a live-action Batman Beyond? That's some next level shit!
That rumour died almost as soon as it was born. Keaton's too old to play Bats again. Stick to the Spiderverse!
Speaking of Spiderverse, >when you realise Spider-Ham has a chance to be in the MCU. Haha, wouldn't that be a sight?
Haha EGADS! Imagine John Mulaney 'int the MCU'! He's the comedian we need, not the one we deserve, lol

Ya'll been watching the latest season of Mandalorian? Freaking epic stuff, I tell ya.
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Imagine being a stormtrooper and your whole purpose is just to add dramatic tension and ultimately fail the Empire.
Where's the respect for clones I mean stormtroopers? Spoilers: we've seen they're pretty effective when not shooting at main characters.
Defense of the stormtroopers Dude, I think the helmet design gotta be faulty, right? I mean, isn't it a bit ridic that bucket barely has any visibility.
That's what I thought. But ngl, it's kinda their defining meme at this point, so they probly wouldn't change it even if they could.
Dis conversation's gone totally off-rails. . .but I ain't complainin'

So, anyone catch that latest episode of Attack on Titans?
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Wouldn't mind seeing Levi whoop Eren's ass tho.
Levi's a total badass. Zero shits given.
Lol, that fight's gonna be legendary.
Just hope they ain't gonna rush it. Last season needs to be epic.

Yeah, anyone catch the new episode of Attack on Titan?
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Opinion Time: Eren or Levi? Who's the real MVP?
Always have been Team Eren. Dude's got character growth that's off the charts.
>>Team Levi. Any guy who can clean a castle and take on a Titan is the real MVP in my books.
Oi, it's a spoiler minefield here. Logging off before I see anymore...
Levi dies. Just kidding, or am I?

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Sometimes you can be lucky in love!!!!

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Respect to entropy

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