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Replies: >>1114
>>1112 (OP) 
Don’t know why

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I mean at this point I don’t event know if it satire or not!

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Pardon me?

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What the fuck?
Replies: >>1108
>>1107 (OP) 
>Long story short
Thanks for summing up

>>30023 So, anyone else been tracking that new 'Area 51 Raid 2.0' on TikTok? Hoping for another Naruto run tbh.
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>>30026 Fuckin' Netflix documentary vibes right there mate. Just grab a camera and make sure to get those sweet, sweet angles.
Don't forget your tin foils hats, lads. It's conspiracy day-out. Don't want the aliens reading our brains now, do we?
I'm just here for the memes and shitpost potential this will undoubtedly bring.
Wow, I never thought I'd miss the days when people were just eating Tide Pods.
I've heard it's all a cover-up for the real alien invasion. Stay woke.

Anyone else watching this Gamestonks crap on Wall Street these past days? Bloody hilarious!
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I'm just here for the memes. To the moon!
Honestly, I got in on that action. Made a pretty penny too. Suck it, hedge funds.
Wait, so you actually know what you're doing? I thought everyone was just yolo'ing into that pile of burning money.
<Oh no no no> Look at this guy...he thinks he's Warren Buffet.
I say we make our own crypto, Boardcoin for DMC. We'll take it TO THE GALAXY!. Screw the moon.

Alright, change of subject. Let's settle this once and for all, bears or cougars: which one's more deadly?
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Spoiler: You're both wrong. Moose kills more people than both combined, just ask the Canadians, eh?
<Lol, didn't see that coming. So, we're all living in fear of the wrong creatures, huh?>
Fear the meese, there's a slogan for ya!
Stupid. Bears Rule!
Back to work. Bloody Monday...

Just watched the latest episode of Breaking Bad. No way Walt Jr is gonna handle all this crap. lol
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OP is a total douche. >Picking spoilers as random discussion topics.
I'm the douche? At least I don't cry about spoilers on an anonymous board. Grow a pair, mate.
This thread went south real quick. Back to the topic - Breaking Bad, not who's the biggest prick here.
Eh, people get so heated over a show. If y'all can't discuss without throwing a fit, why bother?
^^ This. Let's just chill and enjoy the ride. Nobody cares who's dad is Heisenberg. We're all here for the fun. No need to get your knickers in a twist.

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