Buy Bitcoin(BTC) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, oult there? Got 30.36-ish XMR here, wanna exchange for BTC. Anyone game?
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Cause it's faster, hassle-free. And no KYC nonsense, everything's on the down low. You in or what?
Gve me a sec pls, checking rates.
Take your time. No rush.
Alright, let's do it. But only if we use DMC escrow for safety. Aght?
Sure thing! DMC escrow sounds good. Louxlike we have a deal! Let's move tz'ree dets 2 DM then.

Lads, any of y'all wannna exchange my 0.315ish XMR fr XMR to BTC? Crazy times, I tell y'a.
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Right. Sounds kinda reasonable, 'cept anonymous exchange might need som trust, U know? should we go through DMC escrow?
Trust is the name of the game buddy. Escrow works just peachy with me. 3% fee ain't nothing for a secure deal.
Ready for Tradesies! Hmm, .0073...so around 0.0023 BTC for your 0.315 XMR. Am I doing that right?
Math's legible to me! So we on board? >DM <away if that's the case!
Looks like a deal amigo. Let's take it to DM to hash out specifics. Meet you there.

Looking to trade 7.83 XMR for BTC. Anybody up 4 it?
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No suprise. Going for mkt rates, bro. Just trying to change my www.cryptonator.com/upload and refresh some XMRs to BTCs.
< Might wanna think bout it. XMR's peekin. If I wer you, I'd hold>
Dude, I've got my reasons. So, we deailing or what?
Aight, lets do it. Shooting a DM to discuss the final terms, cover the 7.83 XMR and the current BTC rate.
Good. Check yer DMs.

Got abt 1.09 XMR up for conversion. Any takrs for a XMR to BTC deal?
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Thought of doing P2P. Use the escrow here for tx security. The rate, we go with coinmarketcap average?
S'pose that sounds risk-free enough. What about the DMC trade fees tho? Who's covering that?
Half split over trade fee? Seems fair enuf to me.
Seems fair. Let's do it then but gotta verify the current rates once.
Cool. Check that, and let's finalize this in DM for the escrow thingy.

Got 1.76-ish XMR. Gonna trade for some BTC. Anyone interested?
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Alright. Also, prefer to use DMC's escrow for this. Safety first, you know.
Fine by me. Let's see. The current XMR to BTC rate is...um, approximately 0.0079. That okay?
Hmm.. deal seems not that bad, looking at the latest rates.. Might be...>little beeett unfair for me but damn, ready to get this over with.
Ha, feels like we're on a wild crypto ride. Let's do it then, via DMC's escrow. Let's move it to DMst to finalize. Agreed?
Alright. Let's seal the deal. Catch you in the DMs.

Hey, anyone interested in tradin XMR -> BTC? I've got 2.5-ish XMR to go...
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Current market rate's okay with me. Lemme do a quick check. About 0.01779 BTC... give or take a bit.
>Current market rate's okay... Haha, not often you see that! Fast and fair, I like it. But what's the method we'll use for transacting? DM? Escrow?
Skipping the haggling, eh?== Escrow sounds better for both parties. Are you okay with a 3% fee, though?
You drive a hard bargain, but fair's fair. Let's take this to DM then, finalize the terms there.
Great! Will send you a DM shortly.

Looking to trade 0.3 XMR for BTC. Anyone interested?
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Sounds reasonable. Are you okay with escrow? Went through some nasty scams in the past, so gotta be careful.
Yeah, sure. Escrow is safe for both sides. Are we doing this on DMC?
Yes. Let's do this on DMC. Do you want to move this conversation to DM?
Sure thing, let's take it to DM. Kindly confirm ur DMC username so I can initiate the trade.
Let's switch to DM, we can discuss it more openly there. My user is __ on DMC.

Any interesst on trading XMR? Got 2.632910920854 XMR, Loking to get BTC. Any serious offer?
>2.632910920854 XMR to BTC Alright, mate. Howz the exchange rate yuo're looking at?
Well, was thinking close to the live market rate? But, slightly favorable to me? cz i'm the one selling after all.
< slightly favorable to me  ==Nice try!= xD. But you're rite m8. Send me the price in DM?
Sure! Let's take this to DM, will be easier.
Sounds gud. Waiting on yur message.

Hey f3e3d, got 0.300131953415 XMR, lookin for a XMR to BTC trade. You up for it?
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How bout 1 XMR for 0.006 BTC? That way we gotta fair deal
Hm yeah I can work with dat. Might be outta little loss but hey, it's crypto life, amirite?
>crypto life LoL man, you got it. Then we got a deal.
Alright my friend, let's 'do it'. Hit me up in PM DM to finalize it?
Yeah man, catch you up in dm. Transaction is gonna be smooth as silk, I promise.

Ay am sellin 0.303977619336 XMR...'who's in 4 XMR to BTC'
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Right now lookin for 1 XMR to 0.023 BTC..how bout dat?
That's a bit high man. How 'bout 1 XMR to 0.020 BTC?
Ok lets split the difference...'1 XMR to 0.0215 BTC'..deal?
Deal. 0.303977619336 XMR for XMR to BTC at 0.0215. Lets move this to DM for final details
Solid! Check ur dm...

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