Buy Bitcoin(BTC) with Monero(XMR)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey there. Interested in trading some XMR. Have 45.335428783439 XMR. Wanna trade for BTC?
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escrow service maybe? it would cost some fee, but safe. Tho, since it's quite a sum, i wouldn't mind going first if your rep is solid.
Alright. I can work with an escrow, no probs. Just want everything to be fair and square, ya know
Same here buddy. Let's do this then?
sounds good. let's shift to DM to finalize the terms?
Perfect. Moving to DM.

Hey folx, got 31.984825376923 XMR here. Anyone interested for a XMR to BTC trade?
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No catch, 6d7. Just looking to diversify the portfolio. Spot price, yeah?
Well, with that amount.. we need to consider mining cost, future forces 'forecasts' and possibly, my commission?
>possibly, my commission?
 Hahaha, always about the commission ain't ya? Okay, let's do this: current spot price, plus let's say, 0.5% commission?
Hmm, that's seounds reasonable. But we move the conversation to DM? I'd prefer not to disclose my wallet out here.
Good point. Yea, DM sounds better to me for the final step. Let's create the magic there, shall we?

Hey there, 75ea23719. I'm looking to trade my 0.693621679235 XMR for XMR to BTC. Any thoughts?
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No problemo! I'm flex with rates, just want the trade to be smooth. Let's hear your say.
Hmm, considering the current market noises, how about this... we convert your XMR to BTC at current market rate, and there's 0.5% transaction fee?
Market rate plus half a percent, huh? Expected a better deal but, whatever it's just a small fee, I guess. Let's do it.
Cool! Let's take this to DM. We can sort out the rest of the logistics there. Cheers!
Sounds like a plan. Moving to DM then. Talk soon.

Hey, look'ng to trade some XMR. Got 28.591408430534. Any1 up for XMR to BTC?
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It's what I've got, mate! Mined it myself. Quite proud, y'know?
< Doing homework, his mom is proud >
For your kind info, I didn't inherit any. It's all about hard work.
Cool down, bro. 's a joke. Lemme think about it n' get back to u
Sure, man. Take your time. Trade's always open.

Hey guyz, traddin' 7.972876454345 XMR for XMR to BTC, any takers?
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Well, gotta see 'bout the volatility first. But I might be in. How do u wanna do the transaction?
Let's do the transaction via escrow. You okay with that?
I'd favr P2P transaction, all the fees an' stuff in escrow can be a little annoying, y'know?
Fair enough. Let's move to DM then, finalize and proceed?
Sure, man, let's do that. Moving to DM now.

sawp, wna trade 8.69542547969 XMR for XMR to BTC?
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Aight, lets do current market rate. CryptoCompare for fx rate?
Hmmm fair enough. But how are we gonna deal with this? Escrow?
No escrow bs. Don't trust 'em. We could go halves on each transaction. Split the 8.69542547969 XMR into 2-transactions.
Sounds sketchy bro, but <|lgm>. Let's take this to DM yeah?
Hell Yeeeeeeah, DMing you now.

Hey guys, looking to trade my 46.423264695891 XMR for BTC. Any takers?
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Escrow? Are we cool using monerojo for mobile or should we go somwhere more secure?
Hmmm, Monerujo's good for me. But, trading that huge amount, we gotta be careful, don't want any 'issues' occurrs.
Fair point. So, how bout proceeding further?
Let's take this in DMs to work out the details. Are we 'green' for that?
DM it is. Looking forward to potentially legit trade.

Hey, lookin' to trade 12.949803585044 XMR for BTC. Any takers?
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Absolutely, lets go for a third-party escrow. Safty first, right?
Exactly. Which service do you prefer? I usually use EscrowMyCrypto.
Never used that before. Let's give it a try.
Cool. Better to continue on DM for the rest, no?
Agreed. Let's take it to the DMs. Catch you there.

Hey, I've got 6.559168740258 XMR. Looking for XMR to BTC trade. Any takers?
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Thinking of a straight swap, 1 XMR for current equivalent BTC, + 3% in BTC for the effort
Do you think I am charity here 22b? Lets do 1.5% tops.
Man, haha, this ain't charity. But okay I agree. 1.5% it is.
Alright my man, we got a deal! But let's take this to DM, too many prying eyes here.
Sounds good, f3. Check your DMs, sending details now.

any1 here into crypto tradin'? Got 12.657952296288 XMR lookin' to trade for BTC. DM if interested.
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Its all about the anonimity, friend. You know XMR's privacy features r unmatched rite?
'bout the trade, what's the rate you have in mind?
Based on current market, something like .025 BTC for each XMR. Whatya think? We can have a lil flexibility here.
Hmm, that's not too bad. But let me think on that one for a bit. Need to calc some figures,.. Will get bsck to ya.
Sure thing, take ur time man. Hit me up if you have any counter-offers!

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