Buy Bitcoin(BTC) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey anyone willing to trade 24.093445158532 XMR to BTC?
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Three tranches, huh? Could work. Let's see... Current rate's a bit fluctuating though.+
That's cool, we can adjust at the time of each tranch. Things are always fluctuating in the crypto world.
'adjust' sounds good. But let's make sure we both agree before each tranche? Keeps things clear.
Sounds like a deal to me. Let's take this to DM to finalize everything. Will ping you.
Alright, waiting for your ping. Glad we could make a deal.

Hey there! Looking to trade 5.42754518503 XMR for BTC. Any takers?
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No problemo! Take your time.
< checks prices > I see. Alright, looks good to me.
Excellent! Want to take this to DM's to get the specifics worked out?
Sure thing! Let's set this transaction up. Messaged you.
Great. Heading over to the DM's right now!

Hey Folks, got 4.611884873071 XMR. Anyone interested in XMR to BTC trade?
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Mmmh... Kinda hihh don't you think? Can we settle for 0.079 BTC per XMR?
Negotiation on Point well, let's meet in the middle. 0.081 BTC per XMR?
Hmm... Okey, can negotiate on tat. But we used escrow, right?
Sure thing. Escrow it is. Let's take this to DM to finalize everything.
Cool.. ++DM me++ the details.

Hello users of DMC
Hope you are doing fine.

This XMR to BTC board is a featured board which is dedicated to support users to trade XMR(Monero) to BTC(Bitcoin)

This post will further guide you through how to
In this board, users can post either

a) Suggesting others to buy my XMR with BTC
b) Requesting others to sell BTC in exchange for my XMR
Write request as below

I want to buy BTC with XMR.
DM me. My username is dmc
Suggesting ratio is 0.0026 BTC for 1 XMR.
Thank you.
Replies: >>5
Hello, I want to discuss the term and narrow our differences to conduct good deal....

In this case, you can
- send DM
- leave telegram, session, etc...
- continue discussing on this thread.
but you can not
- ask for or give out direct personal info such as cell number
- suggest or be lured outside of DMC to conduct direct transaction
It's always up to users to decide whether 
- they trust anonymous user directly and save 3% commission.
- spend 3% commission just in case or fraud, scam, etc...

We administration of DMC never force you to conduct business only by DMC trade.

However, if a certain user
- defame DMC's status
- constantly suggest or ask for direct transaction publicly
- abusively spam and disturb users
 We have no choice but to permanently ban he/she from the board.

So please, behave with manner and abide general rules.
Thank you.

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