Buy Bitcoin(BTC) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Lads, any of y'all wannna exchange my 0.315ish XMR fr XMR to BTC? Crazy times, I tell y'a.
Hey there. Interesting offer. What's da XMR to BTC ratio you're lookin at? Just ballpark.
Current ticker says 0.0073 BTC for 1 XMR, but am chill for some wiggle room, mate. Crap, these fluctuating rates.
Right. Sounds kinda reasonable, 'cept anonymous exchange might need som trust, U know? should we go through DMC escrow?
Trust is the name of the game buddy. Escrow works just peachy with me. 3% fee ain't nothing for a secure deal.
Ready for Tradesies! Hmm, .0073...so around 0.0023 BTC for your 0.315 XMR. Am I doing that right?
Math's legible to me! So we on board? >DM <away if that's the case!
Looks like a deal amigo. Let's take it to DM to hash out specifics. Meet you there.
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