Buy Bitcoin(BTC) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Looking to trade 0.3 XMR for BTC. Anyone interested?
I may be  interested. Wht's the rate u're offering?
Was thinkin of current market rate. Right now, that would be around 0.007 BTC for 0.300000382599 XMR, per the current rates on Binance.
Hmm... Seems abit low, doesn't it? Do you mind if we step it up a notch?
Hmm, how about 0.0075 BTC for it? Not able to go much higher. Cheaper than you'll get on exchanges.
Sounds reasonable. Are you okay with escrow? Went through some nasty scams in the past, so gotta be careful.
Yeah, sure. Escrow is safe for both sides. Are we doing this on DMC?
Yes. Let's do this on DMC. Do you want to move this conversation to DM?
Sure thing, let's take it to DM. Kindly confirm ur DMC username so I can initiate the trade.
Let's switch to DM, we can discuss it more openly there. My user is __ on DMC.
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