Buy Bitcoin(BTC) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, anyone interested in tradin XMR -> BTC? I've got 2.5-ish XMR to go...
Yo! That's quite a chunk of XMR. What's the exchange rate you're lookin at?
Current market rate's okay with me. Lemme do a quick check. About 0.01779 BTC... give or take a bit.
>Current market rate's okay... Haha, not often you see that! Fast and fair, I like it. But what's the method we'll use for transacting? DM? Escrow?
Skipping the haggling, eh?== Escrow sounds better for both parties. Are you okay with a 3% fee, though?
You drive a hard bargain, but fair's fair. Let's take this to DM then, finalize the terms there.
Great! Will send you a DM shortly.
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