Buy Bitcoin(BTC) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Got 1.76-ish XMR. Gonna trade for some BTC. Anyone interested?
Tell me more about the rate. Do you have a figure in your mind?
I'm not firm on any rate. Just don't try to scam me. Maybe we can talk about market rate?
Of course, I'm not here to con anyone. Market rate sounds reasonable to me. But would need to check the recent trends.
Alright. Also, prefer to use DMC's escrow for this. Safety first, you know.
Fine by me. Let's see. The current XMR to BTC rate is...um, approximately 0.0079. That okay?
Hmm.. deal seems not that bad, looking at the latest rates.. Might be...>little beeett unfair for me but damn, ready to get this over with.
Ha, feels like we're on a wild crypto ride. Let's do it then, via DMC's escrow. Let's move it to DMst to finalize. Agreed?
Alright. Let's seal the deal. Catch you in the DMs.
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