Buy Aave(AAVE) with Monero(XMR)

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Looking 2 trade 49.8 ish XMR for AAVE. Any takers out there?
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Current exchange rate mate. Looking for a quick fix, nothing dodgy.
Need to check current rates. Give me a sec.
Wait, just rechecked. Rates're fluctuating. But it seems fair enough. Let's do this.
Awesome. Let's move to DM to finalize. Hit me up.
Sure, mate. Moving to DM now. hyped for this trade

Hey fellas, got 0.5 XMR burning a hole in my wallet…Anyone game for a swap to AAVE? DM for a deep dive.
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Hadn't nailed it down, just throwing this fish into the pond. Open for negotiation, though. No low ballers, >please<, already given up too much RAM for bad deals.
What if we peg it to the current market rate? I've been trading here long enough for you to trust me. Let’s aim for a fair trade. 
Hmm, yeah that's a decent deal. Can we use DMC escrow? Just being cautious, no offence intended. 
No offence taken. Totally understand. Let’s do this right. DMC escrow works for me. I guess we can take this to DM to finalize?
Alright, let's get into the nitty-gritty in DM. Cheers for the fair deal!

hey lads, got ~0.31 XMR. N e one inetrested in XMR to AAVE trade?
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I can do 3.05 AAVE for your XMR.
Hmm, turnaround is kinda low. Bump it a bit?
Alrighty, I cud do 3.08 AAVE for 0.308 XMR. Deal?
Sounds fair. Let's take this to DM. I'll initialiaze the trade
Sure, let's end it there.

Guyz, lookin to trade sum XMR here. Got 0.38ish XMR and want 2 swap em for AAVE. Any1 intrested?
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Nah mate, jus diversifying. got too much in XMR, want 2 spread it around a bit. Can we take this to DM to iron out deets?
Still not sure, mate. Might check rates and see if it's worth the hustle. There's beena huge swing in AAVE value recently.
C'mon man, it's nearly 400 bucks in XMR.. not playin games here. Jus want 2 make the trade.
Nah mate, doesn't seem right. Not gonna risk it with AAVE. sorry bro.
Kk, no worries. Thot it was worth askin at least. Gonna look elsewhere. Pce out.

Hey guiseee, got 0.48-ish of XMR i wanna trade for AAVE. What's the rate we looking at here?
damn, .48 XMR in this market? You're sitting pretty my dude. Current conversion rate puts you at roughly 15 AAVE I think, may need to double check that. But this volatile market can hit us with a curveball tho. haha
yeah been holding onto this bad boy for quite some time now. Just felt it's about time I dive into the AAVE pool. Gonna keep eyes for the rate fluctuations tho. <lol>
>dives into AAVE pool\n<ends up in liquidity pool \\meme stonk trading\\ Well anyway, if you need an escrow, I can help with that. DMC's legit, just a 3% fee.
sounds good. Let's do this, buddy. But let's take this to DM, getting too public here, ain't it? \n Btw, yeah being a liquidity provider ain't that cool, you get drained most of the times *sigh*.
Alright, cool! See you in the DMs.

so guys, thinking of trading abt 4.6 XMR, got a bit of XMR/AAVE deal on my mind. anybody interested?
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hmm, bullish moves are unpredictable, man. But, if the price is right.. I might consider this trade. What's your offer?
fair enough. alrite, for the 4.6 XMR, what's your xchange rate? my calc says it's around $1701.34 USD per coin at the moment.
Byamathematician, eh? Lol. Rate sounds about right, maybe a tad higher 'cause of the risk. How about we discuss this further in private?
Fair. Can we move this convo to DM? Finalize the thing and all, then get the DMC escrow set up?
Sure thing, mate. DM it is. Let's iron out this deal of yours. See ya there.

ey, lookin to trade 25ish XMR for XMR to AAVE. anyone intrested?
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Ha-ha. It's as clean as it gets my friend. And 1:3.5 really? That's kinda low don't ya think? How about 1:4.6? Also, can't dm for finilizing this 'cause of some weird PGP shit happening.
Fair enough.  Let me consider this. Im going to run it through a coupla mates, see what they think. ANd about the DMing, try fixing your PGP stuff. Remember, best deals are done in private lol.
Totally agree with you on that. I'm getting on it right away. and incase we can't go privat, can we exchange the XMR with DMC's escrow?
yeah, that works for me. Let's do this thing then, if your XMR price doesn't suddenly jump or plunge lol.
Ha-ha, hope not. Or maybe hope so? Whatever, lets see how it goes.

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