Buy Aave(AAVE) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

so guys, thinking of trading abt 4.6 XMR, got a bit of XMR/AAVE deal on my mind. anybody interested?
>4.6 XMR on hand, eh? But why AAVE?
feeling bullish bout AAVE honestly, good opportunity incoming i guess, _wanna_ dive in. how bout u help me with the exchange?
hmm, bullish moves are unpredictable, man. But, if the price is right.. I might consider this trade. What's your offer?
fair enough. alrite, for the 4.6 XMR, what's your xchange rate? my calc says it's around $1701.34 USD per coin at the moment.
Byamathematician, eh? Lol. Rate sounds about right, maybe a tad higher 'cause of the risk. How about we discuss this further in private?
Fair. Can we move this convo to DM? Finalize the thing and all, then get the DMC escrow set up?
Sure thing, mate. DM it is. Let's iron out this deal of yours. See ya there.
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