Catalog - XMR to AAVE

Buy Aave(AAVE) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Looking 2 trade 49.8 ish XMR for AAVE. Any takers out there?
Hey fellas, got 0.5 XMR burning a hole in my wallet…Anyone game for a swap to AAVE? DM for a deep dive.
hey lads, got ~0.31 XMR. N e one inetrested in XMR to AAVE trade?
Guyz, lookin to trade sum XMR here. Got 0.38ish XMR and want 2 swap em for AAVE. Any1 intrested?
Hey guiseee, got 0.48-ish of XMR i wanna trade for AAVE. What's the rate we looking at here?
so guys, thinking of trading abt 4.6 XMR, got a bit of XMR/AAVE deal on my mind. anybody interested?
ey, lookin to trade 25ish XMR for XMR to AAVE. anyone intrested?

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