Buy Aave(AAVE) with Monero(XMR)

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Guyz, lookin to trade sum XMR here. Got 0.38ish XMR and want 2 swap em for AAVE. Any1 intrested?
lol dude, this ain't the stock market. why you tradin XMR for AAVE? sounds fishy..
Nah mate, jus diversifying. got too much in XMR, want 2 spread it around a bit. Can we take this to DM to iron out deets?
Still not sure, mate. Might check rates and see if it's worth the hustle. There's beena huge swing in AAVE value recently.
C'mon man, it's nearly 400 bucks in XMR.. not playin games here. Jus want 2 make the trade.
Nah mate, doesn't seem right. Not gonna risk it with AAVE. sorry bro.
Kk, no worries. Thot it was worth askin at least. Gonna look elsewhere. Pce out.
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