Buy Aave(AAVE) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey guiseee, got 0.48-ish of XMR i wanna trade for AAVE. What's the rate we looking at here?
damn, .48 XMR in this market? You're sitting pretty my dude. Current conversion rate puts you at roughly 15 AAVE I think, may need to double check that. But this volatile market can hit us with a curveball tho. haha
yeah been holding onto this bad boy for quite some time now. Just felt it's about time I dive into the AAVE pool. Gonna keep eyes for the rate fluctuations tho. <lol>
>dives into AAVE pool\n<ends up in liquidity pool \\meme stonk trading\\ Well anyway, if you need an escrow, I can help with that. DMC's legit, just a 3% fee.
sounds good. Let's do this, buddy. But let's take this to DM, getting too public here, ain't it? \n Btw, yeah being a liquidity provider ain't that cool, you get drained most of the times *sigh*.
Alright, cool! See you in the DMs.
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