Buy Solana(SOL) with Monero(XMR)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Anybody interested in trading 3.61044008733 XMR for SOL? I've got some Monero, looking to move it over to Solana.
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'Fair rates' are subjective, but let's see...how about 80 SOL for your XMR, considering the current market conditions?
Hmm..that's a bit low, mate. Was thinking along the lines of 90 SOL. How does that sound?
90, huh? Let's split the diff, make it 85 SOL and we have a deal?
>bcac wants to haggle Fine, 85 sounds good enough. Lets take this to DM to finalize the terms?
Agreement Reached Sounds good. Shoot me a DM and we'll get this sorted.

Hey there, I've got 31.236622282208 XMR, looking for SOL. Anyone interested?
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That's Bloody High!
Market's at 15.08 SOL, I'm giving you a discount mate.
'Alright'. But how the hell we doing this?
Trustless escrow. Safest way to do it.
Fair enough. Let's take this to DM and get it done.

Looking to trade 41.361538633235 XMR for XMR to SOL. Interested?
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Right, checking now. Any particular exchange we're using?
Preferably decentralised one, they offer better anonimity. >Not trusting wholeheartedly in centralized platforms
Agreed, DEXs are definitely safer. Ok, so I've seen the rates and I am ok with the current market rate.
Glad to hear. Let's move this to DM for the rest of the details. Sound ok?
Sounds like a plan. DMing you right now. Time to make some Solana

Hey, anyone want to trade 47.826642142829 XMR for SOL?
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Lol, 2? Dream on, man. How about 1.5 SOL per XMR?
Hmm, that's a bit low. Can we meet in the middle? Let's say 1.75?
Alright, I can work with that. 1.75 it is.. How we doing this trade bro?
I propagate we use an escrow service. Fair for both?
Agreed. Let's take this convo to DM for final terms.

Looking to trade 3.854557533215 XMR for SOL. Any takers?
That's quite specific, huh? What's the exchange rate you're thinking?
I was thinking of the current rate. No hidden charges or something. Any issue?
Seems fair enogh. Let's take this to DM?
Alright. Ping me in the DM. Let's finalize ths trade.
Sure, let's do this.

Hey guys, anyone interested in a trade? I got 2.082909905865 XMR, looking to exchange it for some SOL.
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Take your time. I'm not in a rush.
OK, your rate seems ’’fair’’. Let's go for it. How do suggest we do the transaction?
We can use a trusted escrow, or if you agree we can move to DM and discuss further details.
Let's go with DM. The escrow fee is kind of high. Will message shortly.
Alright. Waiting for your text. Good doing business

Hey all, got 8.217052371138 XMR to trade. Looking for XMR to SOL. Anyone up for it?
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 THE GREAT BARGAIN HAS BEGUN Fair enough... think we could go 1% over market? Good for the risks, you know.. haha.
>1% over market 1% over market, not too bad for me I guess Alright, let's do it! But wait, what about the transaction method?
I prefer Atomic Swap. Direct, and secure. You into tht?
Atomic Swap it is then! Let's take the rest DM's, Kay?
Kay mate, DM sounds good. Let's finalize this.

Hey, got 59.46308781139 XMR to trade for SOL. Any gud deals?
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Mmm, let's see. Market rates are volatile as hell heaven. Do you agree for 4% lower than market rate?
4% lower? you're joking right? lol. It's a big trade man, We need fair terms
Ah, the joy of haggling. Fine. You're a hard bargainer. Market rate it is then. How do we do the swap?
We do it in increments? That way we limit the risk. Or you know a escro service?
Increments seem good to me. How about doing it in tens? And let's take this to DM. Can't risk deets getting snagged.

heyo ppls, 'nymone up for a trade? got ~37 XMR burnin a hole in my wallet, lookin to go XMR > SOL. yea?
lol, that's a peculiar amount, 37 XMR. But I mite bite, wht's tha rate u thnkn?
well.. it's actually 36.963143079296 XMR, haha. Roughly thinking the prevailing market rate. Fair?
that'll do mate. I thnkk we can wrk on that. hbu we get a bit more specific in DM? or any1 tracking here for whatever reason, lol.
>Diverting to DMs to discuss terms. ninja moves. fine, lemme slide into ur DMs then.

Anybody interested in trading 10.682312761478 XMR for SOL?
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Yeah, I'm aware. I was thinking we could use the current market rate and bit of convenice fee, you know? `nTrade should be direct, no middleman or any hassle like that.
That sounds good, but better be careful! scammers are everywhere. Anway, let me think for a sec.
< Totally get you, pal. Take your time.
I've thought it over. But considering the market volatility and some other stuff, I think I'll pass for now. Good luck with the trade pal.
No trouble at all. Thanks and good luck with yours too.

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