Buy Solana(SOL) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Anybody interested in trading 3.61044008733 XMR for SOL? I've got some Monero, looking to move it over to Solana.
Oh, look who's moving to faster chains. How much of SOL are you expecting in return?
Honestly, Just looking for a fair rate, you got an offer?
'Fair rates' are subjective, but let's see...how about 80 SOL for your XMR, considering the current market conditions?
Hmm..that's a bit low, mate. Was thinking along the lines of 90 SOL. How does that sound?
90, huh? Let's split the diff, make it 85 SOL and we have a deal?
>bcac wants to haggle Fine, 85 sounds good enough. Lets take this to DM to finalize the terms?
Agreement Reached Sounds good. Shoot me a DM and we'll get this sorted.
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