Buy Solana(SOL) with Monero(XMR)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, got bout 1.08 XMR here. Lookin to trade em for SOL. Any takers?
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Dunno man, with the current market turbulence, seems risky. Thnking more like 20% off current XMR to SOL price. It's a bit of a gamble after all.
Haha 20%? You dreamin? I'd agree to 5% discount but no more. Gotta keep it fair man.
Dude, it's a volatile market.More risk, more reward as they say. Yeah? What bout a 10% off then?
<10% haa> We're getting somewhere. Ok, let's lock it at 7.5% off the current market price then. Deal?
hmm, 7.5%... alright deal. Let's take this to DM's to finalize.

Los sum fendaz. Wanna trade 43ish XMR for some SOL? I can hit yer DMs for deetz
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So, you tell me, what's your price then? But don't take me out for a ride.
how bout 4.3 SOL per XMR? That sounds fair, I guesss.
4.3 SOL per XMR huh, still workin' me but guess I can make that happen.
Good. Lemme know how we proceed. We could do a DMC trade?
DMC works, got myself verified. Handling it all in DMs then. Hit me up.

Hi all, I'm lookin to trade my 1.6 XMR for some SOL. Anyone interested?
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Was thinking around current market price. XMR is 'bout $300 now, right? So that's around 1.6 XMR to 3 SOL. But 'open to negotiate
Sounds fair, but I'd like to see a bit >extra on top for the troubles. How about 1.6 XMR to 2.8 SOL?
>extra for the troubles? LOL. You're a real capitalist, huh. Alright, 1.6 XMR for 2.8 SOL seems reasonable. Let's lock this in
Awesome. Let's move this to DMs to finalize it. I hate discussing all the details out in the wild, ya know.
Agreed. Let's move this convo to DM. Send me your PGP Key and I'll send you mine. We gotta keep it 'secure'. Cheers!

Hey, got some XMR up for trade. Looking at maybe 0.300, straight for some SOL. Any takers?
0.300, huh? At what rate, mate? XMR ain't exactly cheap these days.
No kidding. How's the current market rate sound? That's my ballpark figure.
> current market rate. Fair enough but I'd prefer to have an escrow involved if we''re gona do this. DMC trading?
DMC's my pref too. Transparency's the name of the game. I take it this''ll go through?
Alright, seems straight enough. Let's take it to DM then, finalize all the nitty-gritty. Hit me up bro.

> Looks for a pretty sick deal here. Anyone wanna trade 3.27 XMR (give or take) for XMR to SOL? Hop into my DMs if intersted.
3.27 XMR? That's a bit on the hefty side, mate. Let's see... current exchange should put it just under 6.54 SOL. We doing this P2P or through escrow?
Escrow. Wouldn't have it any other way. And yes, a fat 3.27 XMR for your 6.54 SOL. Sounds fair, no?
'Fair'? Let's call it reasonable. How's this, I give you 6.3 SOL flat and we skip over the escrow fees? Come on bro, I ain't gonna scam you.
On an anonymous platform? And you expect me to trust you lmao. How about 6.45 SOL and we deal it through escrow like civilized traders?
6.45, huh? You drive a hard bargain, mate. Fine, I'm in! Let's go through the escrow and get this done. Will DM you shortly.

((Sup fellas, got about 0.83 XMR here, lookin' to flip it to SOL. Any takers?
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I checked out a couple of these online conversions, seems like I should be getting around 28 SOL for this kind of XMR. Sounds fair?
Hm, that's a bit steep mate. Current market's not really favoring XMR that much. Thinking more along lines of 26 SOL.
26, really? I had a buddy just do a similar trade for 27.5, cmon now..
Fine, 27 it is. But I ain't going any higher, deal?
Deal. Let's take this to DM to finalize everything.

Hey guys, aimin' to trade bout ~0.31 XMR for some SOL. Any takers?
SOL doin' good, huh? What's the conversion rate u have in mind ??
Looking at the current crypto market and also considering volatility etc.. I was thinkin, 1 XMR for 20 SOL. U in?
Umm, not rly. It's still sum heat in this deal. XMR's current worth is +'ve, how bout 1 XMR for 22 SOL? Apt for the amt of ~0.31 XMR u are tradin'
Tough deal, eh? But I get ya. Let's do it! 1 XMR for 22 SOL. We can move to DM and finalize details there??
Sounds like a plan. Be sure to verify your PGP key first. Let's take it to DM's

Hey, anyone in for a trade? Got 0.324006635655 XMR, lookin to trade for some SOL.
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Alright, makes more sense now bro. Let me calcalute based on the latest rates.
Ok go on man. I'm not in a rush.
Cool. So, the current rate is... Nah man, that's too low, based on the current market. It'd be a loss for me.
Oh damn! I thought it'd be more profitable. Need to rethink my strategy. No worries, we can break the deal off.
Sorry dude, wish it could work out better. Maybe next time.

Hey, anyone willing to trade my 3.392316423505 XMR for some SOL?
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Don't question the specifics. You in or out?
Relax, just making small talk. I'm interested. Depends on the conversion rate tho.
Current XMR to SOL rate. Straight up. Lessgo.
Fine, but we use Escrow and split the fees. Deal?
Deal. Let's take it to DM.

Hey folks, got exactly 0.323904967654 XMR and looking to move it over to SOL. Any takers?
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Fair enough. Does a 1:14.8 ratio sound good? That's the market rate rn.
Hmm, not all bad. But let's make it 1:15, shall we?
u drive a hard bargain lol. Ayt let's do it, 1:15 it is.
Haha, ain't about bargain'in, it's about good business. Let's do this. DM for final terms?
Sounds like a plan. Check ur DMs in a sec.

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