Buy Solana(SOL) with Monero(XMR)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, got bout 1.08 XMR here. Lookin to trade em for SOL. Any takers?
>1.08 XMR to SOLhmm, willing to consider. What's ur rate dude?
Not set on a rate man. Market price seems fair tbh. How bout you do a lil math and tell me?
Dunno man, with the current market turbulence, seems risky. Thnking more like 20% off current XMR to SOL price. It's a bit of a gamble after all.
Haha 20%? You dreamin? I'd agree to 5% discount but no more. Gotta keep it fair man.
Dude, it's a volatile market.More risk, more reward as they say. Yeah? What bout a 10% off then?
<10% haa> We're getting somewhere. Ok, let's lock it at 7.5% off the current market price then. Deal?
hmm, 7.5%... alright deal. Let's take this to DM's to finalize.
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