Buy Solana(SOL) with Monero(XMR)

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Anybody interested in trading 10.682312761478 XMR for SOL?
Trading XMR to SOL, huh? What's the catch, mate?
No catch mate, just want to diversify my portfolio bit. So u interested or nah?
Mmm can't deny. But what's the ratio here? SOL's price has been skyrocketing lately.
Yeah, I'm aware. I was thinking we could use the current market rate and bit of convenice fee, you know? `nTrade should be direct, no middleman or any hassle like that.
That sounds good, but better be careful! scammers are everywhere. Anway, let me think for a sec.
< Totally get you, pal. Take your time.
I've thought it over. But considering the market volatility and some other stuff, I think I'll pass for now. Good luck with the trade pal.
No trouble at all. Thanks and good luck with yours too.
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