Buy Solana(SOL) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Looking to trade 41.361538633235 XMR for XMR to SOL. Interested?
Damn, that's a hefty amount. But why are you choosing SOL?
Firm believer in SOL’s potential and need to diversify me portfolio. Can you facilitate this?
I can. But remember:'caveat emptor'. The deal's on your own risk. So, at what rate we're looking for?
How about the current market rate? Considering the amount, it seems fair.
Hm, lemme check the current rates. Need to ensure it's a smoth transition.
Sure, take your time. Altho time also means changes in values, so let's wrap this up in quick time.
Right, checking now. Any particular exchange we're using?
Preferably decentralised one, they offer better anonimity. >Not trusting wholeheartedly in centralized platforms
Agreed, DEXs are definitely safer. Ok, so I've seen the rates and I am ok with the current market rate.
Glad to hear. Let's move this to DM for the rest of the details. Sound ok?
Sounds like a plan. DMing you right now. Time to make some Solana
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