Buy Monero(XMR) with Aave(AAVE)

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Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey frens, got 0.3 XMR, lookin to exchange it for AAVE. DM if interested.
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 Cryptonomics 101 with 6cf85e2ccc662  LOL. Alright. What's the proposed AAVE/XMR exchange ratio?
Yeah yeaah, enough with the chit-chat. I was thinking 1 XMR for 3 AAVE. That seems fair to me, what say?
Hmm, let's make it 1 XMR for 3.5 AAVE. More reasonable IMHO, coz AAVE fluctuating harder these days.
Tbh, did not exepct you to know this 'coz AAVE is pretty obscure, no offence. I'm good with 1 XMR for 3.5 AAVE.
Pretty obscure? Dude, I've been in the crypto game for a while now. But anyhow, good that we have a deal. Let's move this chat to DM, ya?

anyone in the mood for some trading fun? got 4.43ish XMR lookin to swap for AAVE -> XMR. DM if interested.
> 4.43ish XMR for AAVE -> XMR

Could u be more specific mate? Need to know the exact count.
< exact count

Jeez, chill out! its exactly 4.433036623308 XMR. Happy trading?
@$883 per XMR, the total comes out to be around.. uh $3914.5-ish. Sound fair?
you sure about that math, haha? My calculation gives me something around $3914.94... but whatever, let's do this! DM for detail?
 Great Mathematicians of DMC  

Didn't know we are getting down to cents now, lol. Sure thing, lemme DM you. Let's finalize this.

Hey, got exactly 1.474886714184 XMR. Loking to trade for AAVE to XMR. Any takers? 
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Haha ye it's a pickle. Alright here's the deal, 1 XMR equals to around 400 AAVE (AS per last checkd). Correct me if I'm wrong.
Looks fair man. But how do we proceed with transaction? DMC controlled wallet?
exactly. We move forward with DMC Escrow. Once we have a deal here, we take it to DMC Trade. How 'bout it?
That's a plan. Alright. Let's try and see how this goes. My first time actually.
Good to have a deal. Let's move this to DM. Will send you the details.

hey guyz. got 1.8-ish XMR. anyone up fr swappting it in exchange for some AAVE to XMR?
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What? u''ll make me poor mann! Lets try 80 AAVE per XMR, i think its a good deal.
60 AAVE top. Ins't a joke, ain't gonna go broke :D
Man, you're tough. Ok, I can go as low as 70. Final. Deal?
Alright. 70 it is. Just cause I desperately need sum XMR right now. u have deal mate. Let's take this to DM, yeah?
Deal. Got it. Let's head to DM then n lock this up. Thanx man, appreciate ur flexibility.

Hey, hve got 7.5ish XMR. Looking to trade them for AAVE, any takers?
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1:1 with today's market value? < Sure, let me just commit financial suicide. > Lol, you're funny! But sorry, can't do that.
C'mon, let's negotiate. What's your best take?
The current market value is the best I can do. And even then, I'll need to factor in a small fee for processing this trade. That's gonna be a no from me.
Fine, I get it. Worth a shot anyway. Maybe someone else will pick it up. Thanks 9683.
Trade Unsuccessful No worries, b9778796. Better luck next time!

Hey, looking to trade 0.330415577076 XMR for AAVE to XMR. Any takers?
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Hmm, not quite satisfied with that. let's tweak the rate a bit.
How about, you throw in some favourable terms && we make a deal?
I can do a secure escrow transaction, but i want a 1.1:1 rate then.
damn, thats steep. But sound secure at least. Let's take this in DMs, how bout it?
Sure thing, let's finalize there.

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