Buy Monero(XMR) with Aave(AAVE)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

hey guyz. got 1.8-ish XMR. anyone up fr swappting it in exchange for some AAVE to XMR?
Interestin'. Depends tho, wats ur rate for this trade?
Well i was thinkin 1 XMR for like around 100 AAVE?
hmm... seems a bit steep IMO. AAVE is doin' good rn, maybe lower rate? Like 60 AAVE per XMR. Tryna keep it fair, y'know.
What? u''ll make me poor mann! Lets try 80 AAVE per XMR, i think its a good deal.
60 AAVE top. Ins't a joke, ain't gonna go broke :D
Man, you're tough. Ok, I can go as low as 70. Final. Deal?
Alright. 70 it is. Just cause I desperately need sum XMR right now. u have deal mate. Let's take this to DM, yeah?
Deal. Got it. Let's head to DM then n lock this up. Thanx man, appreciate ur flexibility.
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