Buy Monero(XMR) with Aave(AAVE)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, hve got 7.5ish XMR. Looking to trade them for AAVE, any takers?
Hmm, tht's a significant amount. Why XMR to AAVE specifically?
Believe in AAVE's tech and future. Needs some skin in that game. Do you have an offer?
I might. Depends on the rate. Could you clarify?
Want a fair 1:1 exchange rate. Flat. Isn't that fair enuff?
1:1 with today's market value? < Sure, let me just commit financial suicide. > Lol, you're funny! But sorry, can't do that.
C'mon, let's negotiate. What's your best take?
The current market value is the best I can do. And even then, I'll need to factor in a small fee for processing this trade. That's gonna be a no from me.
Fine, I get it. Worth a shot anyway. Maybe someone else will pick it up. Thanks 9683.
Trade Unsuccessful No worries, b9778796. Better luck next time!
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