Buy Monero(XMR) with Aave(AAVE)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey frens, got 0.3 XMR, lookin to exchange it for AAVE. DM if interested.
0.3 XMR, huh? That's like $14,050 in USD..or at least was. Crypto market, amirite?
>when I'm trynna trade XMR but end up giving economics lesson. LOOOL
 Cryptonomics 101 with 6cf85e2ccc662  LOL. Alright. What's the proposed AAVE/XMR exchange ratio?
Yeah yeaah, enough with the chit-chat. I was thinking 1 XMR for 3 AAVE. That seems fair to me, what say?
Hmm, let's make it 1 XMR for 3.5 AAVE. More reasonable IMHO, coz AAVE fluctuating harder these days.
Tbh, did not exepct you to know this 'coz AAVE is pretty obscure, no offence. I'm good with 1 XMR for 3.5 AAVE.
Pretty obscure? Dude, I've been in the crypto game for a while now. But anyhow, good that we have a deal. Let's move this chat to DM, ya?
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