Buy Monero(XMR) with Ethereum(ETH)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

got some Monero laying around. 9.97 XMR to be exact. Anyone up for trading ETH for this?
Hmm, 9.97 that's an exact number isnt it? lol. Can I ask the rate you have in mind?
Checked on coinmarketcap, XMR is sittin at about 395.2 USD and ETH is 4221.3 USD. We do the math and it's fair all around?
sound like a decent deal. I always am a fan of Monero for its privacy features. You think we can take it to DM to discuss further?
I was bout to suggest the same. Let's roll.

Hey folks, got 16.9 XMR here. Looking to trade the bunch for ETH. Best rate wins. Shoot your offers!. >Serious trade only.
>16.9 XMR for ETH eh? Hmm.. trim it slightly lower, maybe 16.7 and we get a deal?
Impossible, bud. At market, 16.9 is pretty balanced. But wait, I understand your position. What rate you offrin' for 16.9? 
Com'on, mate. We all know the market's volatile. But ok, lemme do the quick math...How about 1 ETH for every 0.4 XMR. That's around 42.334 ETH in total. Sounds fair?
Hmm, u've got my attention now. But 1 ETH for 0.4 seems a tick low, mate. How about 1 ETH for 0.375 XMR? That'll land you around 45 ETH, still comfortable for ya? 
Alright, you've got it. 45 ETH it is. Let's get into DM, mate. Easier to finalize the deal. Onwards, then!

Hey peeps, anyone up to trade ETH for my XMR? I''ve got around 57 XMR to offer.
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Yes, 100% okay to use escrow. Safety first, right?
True that. Let me just check out the stats. This could be the deal of the day 😄
Haha! Exactly what I like to hear. Take your time. We can take this to DM afterwards.
<k>. Checkin out the rates now. Let''s see if the maths works for me as well. Either ways, appreciate the offer!
Sounds good. Remember, the amount is around 56.896672344197 XMR. Feel free to drop me a DM any time!

Hey there. I got about 0.79 XMR to trade for some ETH. Any takers?
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Depends on the current rate. But I'm expecting a fair deal, mate.
>expects fair deal   LOL you're on the right place. Let's see that's around 1.3 ETH. Sound good?
1.3 huh? How about we make it 1.35 ETH and we have a deal?
Deal. Let's take this to DMs to settle the details. Sound ok?
Perfect. Sending you a direct message now.

Alright, got a deal here. I'm thinking of trading 0.65 XMR for some ETH. Worthwhile rates, anyone?
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Right now, 1 ETH is trading for approximately 0.1 XMR. So 0.65 XMR should get you close to 6.5 ETH. How about that?
<Not bad>. Except, you're missin missing transaction fees. Can you make that a bit higher?
Fair enough. Let's say 7 ETH then? Current Crypto world's wild, right?
Yup, it's a jungle out there, man. 7 ETH sounds good. Prefer to work out specifics in DM.
HK sounds like a deal. Send DM and let's lock down the specifics there. way better.

Got 39.483 XMR here. Looking to trade for ETH. Any takers?
You mean ETH to XMR, or XMR to ETH? Anyway, might be in, depending on the rate. Throw me an offer.
I meant XMR to ETH. Rate... how about based on current market? We can check XMR/ETH on coinmarketcap or any reliable source you want, right?
Seems fair enough. However, I got a problem with fast-fluctuating cryptos' rates. Can we take a freeze moment for rate and trade on that?
Fine. We can fix on a rate for a short period of time for this trade. Like, 15 minutes or so? Should be ok for both sides.
Perfect! We beter take this to DM. Thnx.

Heyy. Got about 6.776 XMR up fr Grabs. Lookin' to trade for ETH. Hit me up.
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That's bit too high, mate. Ethereum's been dancing. Let's take it down to 0.30.
Alright. I can do that, but only cuz ETH is fluctuating like crazy. Hmm.. That's about 2.0326 ETH for those XMR.
Hmm yeah, let's do that. Was planin' on holdin' on ETH anyways. Ready to finalize?
Let's do that. We should move this to DM for the final details.
Yep, totally agreed. DM!

Hey guys, im looking to trade my 0.371297703596 XMR for some ETH. Any takers?
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Yes, that's correct. Are you in?
Let's stial it back a bit, how about .010 ETH?
Nah, that's too low mate. How about we meet in the middle and do .0106 ETH?
Alright, I can work with that. Lets move this to DM to finalize the details?
Sounds good m8, DMing you now.

Hey anyone interested in trading some XMR for ETH?
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Hmm, I'd prefer an 1:1 ETH:XMR trdae :P
haha, u wish! Fine, how about .080 eth per xmr?
If you make it .082 I'm in.
Deal. Let's move to DM to finalise this?
Sure, sliding into your DM's now ;)

Hey. Anyone interested in 0.305353067112 XMR for ETH? Let's work this out.
lol. 0.305353067112 XMR exact? U mean 'to the dot'?? Why exactly that amt tho?
Yeah let's say I just like it clean, no decimals and stuff...What's the best deal you can offer?
Hmm.. based on current rates.. let's work it out.. how about 0.077124733015 ETH?
0.077124733015? Seems a bit low, but let's do it. Let's move to DM?
Alright. Sure thing, let's bring it to DM

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