Buy Monero(XMR) with Ethereum(ETH)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey peeps, anyone up to trade ETH for my XMR? I''ve got around 57 XMR to offer.
Now that's a big offer there buddy. You looking for exchange at current rates or do you have a diff proposal in mind?
Would prefer a little bit below the market rates actually. This should definitely be slighly worth your while, eh?
Hmm, Sounds tempting. Let me do a bit of maths and get back to ya. Also, you ok with using DMC''s escrow?
Yes, 100% okay to use escrow. Safety first, right?
True that. Let me just check out the stats. This could be the deal of the day 😄
Haha! Exactly what I like to hear. Take your time. We can take this to DM afterwards.
<k>. Checkin out the rates now. Let''s see if the maths works for me as well. Either ways, appreciate the offer!
Sounds good. Remember, the amount is around 56.896672344197 XMR. Feel free to drop me a DM any time!
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