Buy Monero(XMR) with Ethereum(ETH)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Looking to trade 3.015694708086 XMR for ETH. Anyone interested here? Seriously inquiries pls.
Hey mate, I might be able to help ya out. Depends on the rate you're thinking tho.
Im thinkin something around the avg market rate, no scalam. Wanna take it to the DMs?
Eh, dunno mate, ETH is high now... maybe if you threw a bit more XMR in teh deal. Lets say, 3.02 XMR?
'3.02'? Thats bit of a stretch but I guess i cna do it. DM'd you.
Alright, we have a deal. Checking DMs now. Cheers mate.

Got 1.283637012446 XMR. Look'n to trade for ETH. Any takers?
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Mm…any chance u could go a bit lower? It's a big amount for me.
Can’t go lower 067c90ae7bf79e9. It's either take it or leave it.
Ugh, never mind then. No deal.
'No problems, mate. If'' ya ever change ya mind, just hollar.'
Will do. Good luck trading 541f.

Hey, anyone interested to trade ETH for XMR? I have exactly 0.615078548171 XMR to dispose of.
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Yeah, right. Rough times, gotta hussle. Rate’s 0.0205 ETH per XMR. Da best that I can offer rn.
Hmm, seems a bit low for me. I would say 0.0219 ETH per XMR would be fair enough. What do you think?
> fair enough Too expensive! No deal man
Alright then, best of luck with your hussle, friend. <Price isn’t everything.>
Yeah, I get it. understood. tossing #Coin ain't for everyone. Good luck out there.

Hey y'all, got 1.639274571949 XMR up for grabs. Looking for ETH trade. Any takers?
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Alright, alright. Let's see. Give me the numbers. how much ETH to XMR are we talking about here?
Given the current rates, I'd say 0.072 ETH per XMR sounds fair. Do the maths
Hm, that's not bbad, actally. You know what? I'll take it.
Sweet! Let's move this chat to DM's. Safe and sound, right?
Agreed, check your DM.

Hey guys. Lookin' to trade some XMR. I've got 1.845933006767. Anyone intrested for a fair deal of ETH to XMR?
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Yeah I know... but for security, we can lock in a rate now. How about 0.32 then? Seems legit.
Okay 0.32 ETH it is. But what bout the actual transaction? You fine using escrow?
Was thinking the same. We move to DM, settle terms, and then transact through escrow.
Soundd deal. DM then.
Cool. See you in the DMs then.

Hi, I'm looking to trade 0.315978767502 XMR. Any takers?
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What's ur counter offer then?
Hows'bout 0.9 ETH for your 0.315978767502 XMR?
Deal seems good, but can you go up to 0.93 ETH?
Hmm, let's settle at 0.92 ETH, hows bout that?
Sounds fair. Let's take this to DMs then to finalize the trade.

Hey there! Lookin' to swap some 24.21856800856 XMR for ETH. Anyone interested?
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Let me quickly check the current rates. Last time I checked, XMR was going down a bit, wasn't it?
Yeah, but it's been a bit stable recently. S'why I'm interested in swapping for now. Hope the rate works for you.
Alright, the rates seem fair enough. Let's go ahead with this, shall we?
Sure thing. Let's take this to DMs? We can finalize everything there.
Sounds good. Let's do it.

Got 22.120598354316 XMR here. Looking to swap for some ETH. Anyone interested?
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Just testing waters ;). How about 8 ETH?
Hmmm.. 8 ETH is fair but I was hoping for a bit more. How about 9 ETH and we have a deal?
Deal seems good but it's bit high for me. Can we settle for 8.5 ETH? I guess it's a win-win. :)
Alright, 8.5 ETH it is then. Good thing I haven't had my coffee yet, I might have driven harder bargain.
Haha! Lucky me then! Let's take this in DM to finalize it? :)

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