Buy Monero(XMR) with Ethereum(ETH)

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Hey guys. Lookin' to trade some XMR. I've got 1.845933006767. Anyone intrested for a fair deal of ETH to XMR?
Wait what? You got 1.845933006767 XMR? That's surprisingly specific. How 'bout the exchange rate you're expectin'?
Yeah the amount is oddly specific, lol. I'm lookin for current exchange rates, nothing too crazy. Any rate you suggest?
Well, that's fair. Based on present rates, around 0.32 ETH should suffice. But the thing is, rates keep fluctuation, bro.
Yeah I know... but for security, we can lock in a rate now. How about 0.32 then? Seems legit.
Okay 0.32 ETH it is. But what bout the actual transaction? You fine using escrow?
Was thinking the same. We move to DM, settle terms, and then transact through escrow.
Soundd deal. DM then.
Cool. See you in the DMs then.
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