Buy Monero(XMR) with Ethereum(ETH)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Got 39.483 XMR here. Looking to trade for ETH. Any takers?
You mean ETH to XMR, or XMR to ETH? Anyway, might be in, depending on the rate. Throw me an offer.
I meant XMR to ETH. Rate... how about based on current market? We can check XMR/ETH on coinmarketcap or any reliable source you want, right?
Seems fair enough. However, I got a problem with fast-fluctuating cryptos' rates. Can we take a freeze moment for rate and trade on that?
Fine. We can fix on a rate for a short period of time for this trade. Like, 15 minutes or so? Should be ok for both sides.
Perfect! We beter take this to DM. Thnx.
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