Buy Ethereum(ETH) with Monero(XMR)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Anyone up for a smal xmo to eth trade?
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Sounds fair... just curious why such a random figure?
Haha, that's all I got in my XMR wallet. Looking to switch it to ETH, price is neat these days.
Smart move.... well let's work on the conversion rates. Should we move this to DM now?
Yeap, let's move this to DM. Time to get down to the nitty-gritty.
Sounds like plan. Pinged you on DM, let's wrap this up.

Hey, anyone interestd in a lil trade? Got 0.469 XMR, looking to get some ETH.
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Crypto is fluctuating like a rollercoaster rn. Let's go by the rate at transaction time? Fair?
Sure, sounds fair. But hey, how we gonna make this safe for both of us?
Well, we can do Escrow if that's cool with you? DMC's got a solid system for that no scammy bs. Transaction register and all that jazz.
Sure, escrows sound good. Can never be too carefull these days. I'm up for it
Brilliant! Le'ts take this to DMs. Want the details out of the prying eyes, you know. Privacy and all

>Got 0.3 XMR. Lookin to trade for some ETH. Any takers?
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Ok, gotcha...But, u know, with the current rates, I'd suggest something like 0.08ETH for 0.3 XMR, but again open to negotiate. What yaa sayin?
Hmm...A bit low don't ya think? How 'boot 0.1ETH for ma 0.3-ish XMR stash? Fair, ain't it?
Ok, you drive a hard bargain mate. 'm ready to do 0.09ETH for 0.3 XMR. Close to your ask. Cool?
Deal. Let's move to DM to finalize this mate.
Sounds like a plan. See ya in DM!

Heard some fellas doin' XMR2ETH. Got 6.5 XMR, anyone up for it?
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Buddy, it's all about the $$$. Extra Satoshi on the table could make this more interesting. So, can you up the stack a bit?
Mate, it's already about 1500 USD. Let's not push it too far here. That's quite a good deal, innit?
Well, can't blame a guy for trying. The deal sounds fair, we should move this to DM, what say?
Deal. Let's finalize the things on DM. Just a heads up, we are using DMC's escrow for this. Safety first, pal.
DM is fine. Let me know the details there. Until then, peace out mate!

Looking to trade some XMR for ETH. Got 4.2-ish I'm willing to exchange.
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Current XMR to ETH rate is kind of 0.25-ish. So, u'r looking at ~1.05 ETH for 4.2 XMR.
Yeah, sounds about right. But want a slight buffer just in case. How about trading for 1.1 ETH?
Hmm, a little more than the current rate. But okay, seems a fair deal. Let’s do it.
Great! Let's take this to DM, finalize there?
Sure thing. DM in a bit.

Hey guys, Who's up for trading 6.074582769057 XMR for ETH?
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Hang on a second. give me some time to check the current rate here...
'Done!' The rate seems SWELL right now. I'm on. But how do we go for transaction?
Ohh nice. We can use escrow service. That will be safe for both. What you say?
I'm ok with escrow. We can finalize in DM's. Also, do you accept the current market rate as final?
Sure. let's do this in DM and yeah I accept the current market rate.

Hey there. Got 0.315768051279 XMR. Looking for a good deal to swap it for ETH
That's an odd number. You tryna empty your wallet or somethin'?
Haha, you got me there. Yeah, just trying to diversify. Any good offers?

Hey guys! Want to exchange 40.806558907702 XMR for ETH, any takers?
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heh, 'fair'. Last time got some unexpected fees. Don't wanna be stuck again with that.
I gotcha. Let's factor in the transaction fees. We can settle on a price including the fees. Sounds good?
Hmm, seems like a deal. If you can hold the coins till I chk my stuff, we can move ahead?
Sure thing. No hurries. Well, lets move this convo to DM? Don't want to clog the thread here
Ah yes, good idea. Let's continue there!

Got 1.97 1.974699789543 XMR looking to convert into ETH. Any takers?
ETH for XMR That's a pretty specific amount, mate. But let's talk about it. What's your exchange rate?
Dunno the exact numbers rn, market's messed up. How 'bout we use current rates?
Agreed, current rates it is. We doing this over a platform or P2P?
P2P seems better but we should discuss final dets in DM. U good with that?
DM's fine for closing the deal. Meet ya' there.}

hey, anyone interested in trading some XMR? Got bout 44.190266528411 I want to exchange for ETH
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Current market rate, no funny business. We could use an online escrow for the transaction. What you say?
< 44.XMR? That's a tidy sum. Wanna hear a joke about cryptocurrency?
Lol sure, why not. But does that mean we have a deal?
Joke Time Why don't Bitcoin investors talk to their friends? Cuz they'll tell them to sell when it's high haha. And for your deal, I think I will pass this time, sorry
LMAO! Your loss, man. Offer's still on the table if anyone else wants to take it.

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