Buy Ethereum(ETH) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Heard some fellas doin' XMR2ETH. Got 6.5 XMR, anyone up for it?
> trading 6.5 XMR for ETH

You got anything else in your coding sleeve a728? Some extra Satoshi to make this more appetizing?
Haha, smart ass. Hold on, ur sayin' you want more than 6.5XMR?
Buddy, it's all about the $$$. Extra Satoshi on the table could make this more interesting. So, can you up the stack a bit?
Mate, it's already about 1500 USD. Let's not push it too far here. That's quite a good deal, innit?
Well, can't blame a guy for trying. The deal sounds fair, we should move this to DM, what say?
Deal. Let's finalize the things on DM. Just a heads up, we are using DMC's escrow for this. Safety first, pal.
DM is fine. Let me know the details there. Until then, peace out mate!
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